Friday 30 August 2019

Welcome Back/ Bonne rentrée


Dear parent(s)/guardian(s), 
Welcome back to school! I look forward to being your child's Grade 1/2 teacher. This year is going to be full of many adventures and learning experiences and even though my stay will be short, I cannot wait for your child to embark on them. 

8:40 -11:30AM LUNCH 11:30-12:25 12:25-3:15 PM 
Please make sure that your child arrives on time so that he/she receives the benefit from the program. As a courtesy to all staff, please pick up your child promptly at lunch and dismissal time. Students registered on the school bus for dismissal will be escorted to the school bus, unless there is a written note/phone call from parents/guardians advising us of other pick up arrangements. 

If your child eats at school, please pack a healthy lunch and snacks. Until our school snack program begins, students may bring their own small snacks. We discourage glass bottles, soft drinks, candy, and chips. The lunch should be packed in a bag with your child's name on it. 
*Please be mindful of the following school allergies; peanuts/nut products and fish. 

Library day is DAY 5. It would be appreciated if you remind your child to return the book borrowed by this day so that he/she can take out another one. 
Physical Education day is DAY 2, 3, and 4. Rubber soled running shoes (velcro please) are required during gym class to prevent slipping on the floor. These running shoes will also be used in the classroom daily (indoor shoes). 
Music day is DAY 1 and DAY 2. 

Please encourage your child to use the washroom before coming to school each day. At the beginning of the year we will be going to the washrooms before recesses to help develop a habit of going at this time. Students will be discouraged from going during class time due to interruptions and for safety reasons. If the child must go, they will go with a buddy. 

Please notify me about all allergies or health concerns. If your child is ill, please have him/her stay home and rest until he/she can participate in all school programming. 

Students go outside twice during the school day for a 15 minute recess. As well, if they are staying for lunch, they will be outside for 30 minutes. Your child should wear clothing suitable for the weather every day. As many children have the same clothing items in the same sizes, it is best to label clothing/shoes/boots, etc. with their name. 

Children are NOT allowed to bring toys to school. If they do, they will be asked to leave them in their back packs or with me until the day is over. Next week, I will be asking children to bring their favourite object/souvenir from summeras part of a speaking activity for Show and Tell

We will spend time working on school routines and building a sense of community in and outside the classroom. We will establish and display our TRIBES agreement that will help us remember that mutual respect, active listening, appreciation, and positive participation promote academic success. 
We will also be reviewing what children learned in Kindergarten as well as gradually moving toward meeting the First Term expectations for Grade 1/2.

I believe that a solid flow of communication between parents and teacher is the key to success. I strive to keep parents updated on all student accomplishments through this blog and via agendas. 
You can help your child adapt to the routines of Grade 1/2 by making sure that he/she receives adequate rest and by talking with him/her about how to be a good listener and friend. You may also refer to educational French websites on the "Parent Resources" tab of this blog

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop by after school or leave me a message with the time that you can be reached and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Just a little reminder: when you come to school to pick up your child during the school day or to talk to me or other teachers, please report to the Office first.

Thank you for your support and here’s to a fantastic year! 
Statistics reveal that the greater the parental involvement in a child’s education, the more success that child is likely to experience.

Madame Bensalam 
French Immersion Teacher

Image result for i can and i will succeed kids quote

Thursday 27 June 2019

Bonnes vacances équipe 111

Have a great summer team 111!
Thank you ever so much to all the families for the wonderful gifts, thoughtful cards, and best wishes.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

End of the Year Activities

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
As the end of the year is fast approaching, I would like to thank my students and parents for always having a burst of optimism and enthusiasm. I would like the last week of school for my students to be unforgettable, hence please take a look at the activities and come prepared with a good attitude and any items needed for that day. Merci!

End of the Year Activities in Room 111:

Monday, June 24th - Spelling Bee 'Concours d'orthographe'
We will have a friendly spelling competition to review all of the words/articles/verbs a Grade 1 student should be familiar with by the end of the year. You will find in your child's agenda a list of words to study. There will be a prize for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Bon etude!

Tuesday, June 25th - Tie dye activity (bring a white or light-coloured t-shirt)

Wednesday, June 26th - Outdoor chalk activities and team building games 

Thursday, June 27th - Pot luck picnic at Edge Park (bring a snack of your choice with labelled ingredients).
End of year assembly will take place outside in the afternoon on June 27th (weather permitting). 

1. Please return all library books by next week so that your child can start fresh in September. 

2. Please return all Alpha Jeunes books from the book bag 'sac a livre' programme by next week. 

3. Please bring a bag to collect duotangs/projects/artworks Tuesday, June 25th. 

4. Friday, June 28th is a P.A. day. There will be no school for students.

Continue checking interactive games and/or websites on the Parent Resources tab of this blog over the summer to review French activities with your child.

Bonnes vacances! :)

Monday 17 June 2019

Fabulous Day at the Toronto Zoo

On Friday, June 14th, 2019 the Grade 1 classes had a wonderful day at the Toronto Zoo. We explored the wildlife and caught a glimpse of several animals including tigers, giraffes, camels, snow leopards, polar bears, rhinos, gorilla's, turtle's and much more!

Thank you to all the parent volunteers for attending. It was a successful day and a fantastic end of the year memory with all the Grade 1 students.