Wednesday 27 April 2016

How is our class marble jar doing?

The students were introduced to the marble jar system a while back. The students were doing well speaking French in and outside the classroom, until it came to April!! The results speak for themselves.

So, we co-created a poster to remind us of common phrases used in and outside the classroom (and their correct forms). We are working together towards a 'refreshing' reward this month. This is not to say that we need a reward to speak French. We do it because we are slowly becoming independent learners who appreciate the language.

Please reinforce the marble system with your child at home and feel free to check the Language and Parent Resource tabs on the right hand side of the blog to practice French vocabulary, phrases, etc.

Check out these interactive websites:

P.S. I am very proud of the following students who always speak French, even during recess (yes I overheard them during yard duty):

Three Panther Roars for them!!!

Allez équipe 111!

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