Wednesday 7 September 2016

First Week of School

Wow, the first two days of school went by quicker than I thought. I'm excited for what this year brings. As I am getting to know your children, I am noticing that the French is stored in their memories and is slowly coming to life as we discuss content in different subjects. I am impressed with some students keen drive to learn and share what they have practiced over the summer. Bravo!

We have been moving around and exploring the classroom with a game entitled "Simon dit", discussing class responsibilities, expectations, and doing community building activities.
Roche, papier, ciseaux.

So far, we have our morning routine down pat! The students are quite eager to learn a song about the morning routine provided by TFO (Télévision Franco-Ontarien).

In order to learn about each other, the students created amazing glyph art pieces of their faces. They were asked to follow a glyph (symbol) legend to display their likes/dislikes while drawing a funny face. I was impressed with my students' ability to follow instructions and read and understand a legend. We had a good laugh, as we created our own glyph face for room 111. Superbe travail!
Voici notre galerie:








A few housekeeping items:
1. A reminder to return the Clairlea package containing school forms (i.e., walking excursion forms, lunchroom forms, medical information, etc.). Please make sure that you have filled out all of the components outlined on each form.

2. Thank you to all who purchased an agenda to facilitate communication. The agenda costs $8.00. For those who have yet to purchase one, a kind reminder that it is an indispensable tool for dialogue between parents and teachers. Remind your child to bring the agenda daily to school.

Bright smiles, fall is just around the corner. When it gets cooler, we will be reminiscing about the warm weather (more like tropical) we have been blessed with this summer. 

Get some well-deserved rest!
À demain les amis!

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