Thursday 22 June 2017

Last Week of School

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
As the end of the year is fast approaching, I would like to thank my students and parents for always having a burst of optimism and enthusiasm. I would like the last week of school for my students to be unforgettable, hence please take a look at the activities and come prepared with a good attitude and any items needed for that day. Merci!

Last week at glance of the year:

Monday, June 26th - Spelling Bee 'Concours d'orthographe'
We will have a friendly spelling competition to review all of the words/articles/verbs a Grade 1 student should be familiar with by the end of the year. You will find in your child's agenda a list of words to study. There will be a prize for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Bon etude!

Tuesday, June 27th - Tie dye activity (bring a white or light-coloured t-shirt)

Wednesday, June 28th - Outdoor chalk activities and team building games 

Thursday, June 29th - Pot luck picnic at Edge Park (bring a snack of your choice with labelled ingredients)

End of year assembly will take place outside at 1:00 pm on June 29th (weather permitting). 

1. Please return all library books by next week so that your child can start fresh in September. 

2. Please return all Alpha Jeunes books from the book bag 'sac a livre' programme by next week. 

3. Please bring a huge bag to collect duotangs/projects/artworks Monday, June 26th. 

4. Friday, June 30th is a P.A. day. There will be no school for students. Bonnes vacances!

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