Monday 30 May 2016

Week at a glance

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
We have an exciting and busy month up ahead at school. Please keep in mind the following dates:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at lunch- Freezie sale to help Fort McMurray!

Wednesday, June 1st-  Class outing to Dairy Queen

Saturday, June 4th - TDSB Healthy Schools 5K Run/Walk event at Downsview Park
Students who submitted their permission forms are requested to be at school at 8:15 a.m. sharp, as the bus leaves at 8:30 a.m.   See you there!

How to prepare?
1. Eat a healthy and balanced breakfast.
2. Bring a water bottle.
3. Dress comfortably for the run (i.e. running shoes, running attire).
* Please dress in Clairlea spirit wear.

Thursday, June 9th - Clairlea Primary Track & Field - Grades 1 to 3 students will have an opportunity to test their abilities as they take part in standing and running long jump, and sprints.
On this day, students are encouraged to bring running shoes, a water bottle, a hat, and sunscreen.
Attached is the schedule Miss Lowen has provided.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Literacy Centers

The end is almost near and I can proudly say that the students in Room 111 have matured and developed a sense of responsibility for their own learning. As students take part in literacy centres, they develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in French through diverse materials (e.g., white boards, interactive cards, magazines, ear phones, Smartboard) that relate to their personal interests and to other subject areas.

Students are enjoying practising literacy skills at their own level and pace. We will soon be taking part in a class Spelling Bee wherein all previous dictation words will be reviewed and three studious students will be declared champions. Be on the look out for details to come.

Bird Feeders

We were on a mission 2 weeks ago, decorating and assembling bird feeders (les mangeoires pour oiseaux) in hopes of feeding hungry birds throughout the spring and summer season. Bird feeders are a great way to connect with the outdoors and can easily be constructed from various materials such as tin cans, marbles, old dishware, moss, bark, pine cones, twigs, popsicle sticks, and more!

Monday 16 May 2016

Le jardin extraordinaire de la salle 111

Our class has been planting some wild flowers. The students were asked to estimate the duration of time it will take for the flowers to grow. We tallied the votes and are waiting in anticipation for the first flowers to bloom.
Week 1/ Semaine 1

Week 2/ Semaine 2

Week 3/ Semaine 3

As an extension of the sructures unit in Science, we are constructing, decorating, and painting bird feeders (les mangeoires) to place in our Clairlea garden, in hopes of attracting humming birds, honey bees, and butterflies.  

We still have a few more left to decorate...

Shared Reading & Dictation

This week we are reading the book entitled "Dodo le dromadaire" about a camel who gets lost in the desert. We are searching for words containing the sound /d/. The dictation words are derived from this story.

Bonne lecture!

Thursday 5 May 2016

Spring Concert Details

Dear students and families,

Thursday, May 12th marks our annual Spring Concert – Fusion.  On this day, we would like all Grade 2-6 students to come to SATEC in black pants and a black top.  Additional costume pieces will be provided prior to their performance.  All grade 1 students are asked to wear black pants and a coloured shirt in either RED, WHITE or GREEN. 

Our show will begin at 6:30pm sharp.  Students need to be at SATEC no later than 6:15pm.  Once they arrive at SATEC, room guides will direct them to their holding room.  Classroom teachers will be supervising the students for the duration of the show.  Parents are asked to stay for the entire concert.  Please do not pick your child up before the end as all students, grade 1-8 will be performing a finale.  The show is scheduled to last approximately 2 hours. 

Your child may come prepared with items to keep them occupied while waiting for their performance time slot.  This can include, but is not limited to colouring supplies, books, cards, etc.  Once the concert is over, all students will head back to their holding room where they can be picked up by their caregiver. 

Thank you!

The Concert Committee