Social Studies & Science

In Social Studies, we will be comparing and contrasting a variety of communities around the world. We will begin with the book "Mirror" by Jeannie Baker.

"This innovative picture book is comprised of two parts designed to be read simultaneously- one from the left, the other from the right. Page by page, we experience a day in the lives of two boys and their families- one from inner city Sydney, Australia and the other from a small, remote village in Morocco, North Africa. 
These worlds couldn't be further apart, yet with the showing of the parallel lives of the two families, we see the strikingly different lifestyles, remotely different countries, landscapes, differences of clothing and all. The families are essentially the same. They care for each other, they need to belong, to be loved by their family members and to be part of a community. The simple truth is that even with all of these differences we are all the same. We are the mirror of each other."
-Jeannie Baker
In Science, Grade 1 students will begin exploring the parts of a plant and the importance of different plants in the environment. Here is some vocabulary to help us get started:
un arbre –a  tree
une feuille –a leaf
une tige – a stem
une branche - a branch
une racine – a root
une fleur – a flower
Les animaux (Animals)
Words in pink mean they are feminine (la or une), words in blue are masculine (le, un).
La santé / Health
Grade 1 students will also explore different fruits and vegetables that grow from the soil and on trees. The following is an interactive website that allows your child to click on the image of the fruit or vegetable and a voice will pronounce the word for you:
Fruits (Les fruits):
une banane – banana
des raisins – grapes
des raisins secs – raisins
un melon – melon
une cerise – cherry
une pomme – apple
une pèche – peach
une poire – pear
un abricot- apricot
une orange – orange
un citron – lemon
une fraise – strawberry
un bleuet – blueberry
un pamplemousse – grapefruit
une framboise – raspberry
un ananas – pineapple
Vegetables (Les légumes):
une carotte- carrot
du celery - celery
un chou – cabbage
une tomate- tomatoe
la laitue – lettuce
un concombre – cucumber
un chou-fleur – cauliflower
une citrouille – pumpkin
une pomme de terre – potato
le maïs – corn
le champignon – mushroom
un oignon
l’ail – garlic
le broccoli - brocoli
les petits pois – peas
le poivron – pepper

la salade – salad

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