
In Grade 1 French Immersion, students begin learning the French language through introduction and/or review of vocabulary. Once they have a good grasp of the vocabulary and sounds/phonics in French, we can begin practising various language structures and advance in reading and writing in all subject areas. I highly recommend students to spend some time at home practising the vocabulary words on this blog and singing along to French songs.

French Alphabet

The French alphabet is based on the 26 letters of the Latin Alphabet.  They are listed below and beside each is the phonetic pronunciation:

A /ɑ/
B /be/
C /se/
D /de/
E /eu/
F /ef/
G /je/
H /ash/
I /e/
J /ji/
K /ka/
L /el/
M /em/
N /en/
O /o/
P /pe/
Q /kuu/
R /err/
S /es/
T /te/
U /eu/
V /ve/
W /dubleve/ “double v”
X /iks/
Y /iɡrek/ i grec
Z /zed/

Classroom and School related words:

une table – table
une chaise – chair
une poubelle – garbage pail
des ciseaux – scissors
un crayon – pencil
un stylo – pen
une gomme – eraser
une règle – ruler
une agrafeuse – stapler
un baton de colle – gluestick
une boîte – box
un bassin – tote-tray
un casse-tête – puzzle
un livre – book
une maison – house
une école – school
le papier – paper
aux toilettes – to the washroom
la peinture – paint
un cahier – a notebook
le calendrier – calendar
la météo – the weather chart
un professeur – a teacher
la directrice – the principal (lady)
le directeur – the principal (man)
le directeur-adjoint – vice principal
un orthopédagogue – a resource teacher

Important Verbs to Know…

In Grade 1 French Immersion there are certain verbs that we focus on a lot throughout the year.  These important verbs are: être, avoir and aimer (to be, to have, to like).

Être (to be) 
Je suis  (I am)
Tu es  (You are) singular
Il/Elle est  (He/She is)
Nous sommes  (We are)
Vous êtes  (You are) plural
Ils/Elles sont  (They are)
Avoir (to have)
J’ai  (I have)
Tu as  (You have) singular
Il/Elle a  (He/She has)
Nous avons  (We have)
Vous avez  (You have) plural
Ils/Elles ont  (They have)

Aimer (to like)
J’aime  (I like)
Tu aimes  (You like)
Il/Elle aime  (He/She likes)
Nous aimons  (We like)
Vous aimez  (You like) plural
Ils/Elles aiment  (They like) plural

Common French Verbs

Les devoirs- Reading Package
Students will be assigned a weekly reading and phonics/sound exercise beginning October. The book will be chosen according to their reading level. It is important that students have an opportunity to read with someone every night.

Homework will be explained in class every Friday, before being sent home. Students will have time to write notes in their homework folder to help guide their writing at home. During the following week, students are able to come to me for questions about the phonics/sound exercise or help with reading comprehension. 

Dictee- Phonics Quiz
In addition to the reading, students will have a short list of 5 words that they will be asked to study as part of their homework. These words will be part of a dictee that will happen in class at the end of the week (usually Friday unless there is a PA day, in which case it would be Thursday).

I will continue to post dictee words to my blog every week.

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