Sunday 23 October 2016

Academic Update

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
The following is an overview of the units we are working on in each subject area. It would be greatly appreciated if you could review the material discussed in class in order to make sure your child understands the content.

1. In Mathematics, we are wrapping up the unit on patterning and transitioning into Number Sense and Numeration in order to learn practical strategies for addition and subtraction (i.e., cubes, base-ten blocks, number line, tally, drawing).
Please visit the following websites for extra practise at home:
Number Association -
Addition & Subtraction-
Math Manipulatives -

2. In Language, we are working on perfecting our writing convention skills and penmanship through a weekly journal. We are learning that each sentence begins with a capital, has spacing between words, and a period at the end. I have asked a few students to continue practising penmanship skills  at home so to avoid letter reversals. In addition, we are writing about routines and procedures. We will soon write a salad recipe.

3. In Social Studies, we are reviewing and expanding our understanding of different professions in our community. We acknowledge that a community is comprised of:
1. Inhabitants (Habitants) 
2. Buildings/Structures  (Bâtiments) 
3. Modes of transportation (Transports) 

4. In Science, we are delving into the unit on living and non-living things. Since we were inspired by our science workshops last week, we are beginning a mini research project. I brought several animal and insect books for students to choose a topic of study. We will complete graphic organizers about a chosen animal/insect in class and build a diorama of the habitat (a panorama of what the animal needs to survive) using recycled material.

Please send in any of the following recycled material as soon as possible to our classroom:
- bottle caps
- cereal boxes
- tissue boxes
- egg cartons
- card board
- magazines
- newspapers
- toilette paper rolls
- empty plastic fruit cups
- leaves, pine cones, etc.

5. In Dramawe are going over a series of activities tied to the character trait of the month, responsibility. We will continue discussing the importance of understanding, acknowledging, and talking about our feelings through activities such as, "Put downs and Put Ups", Listening Role Play, Point of View, etc.

As always, thank you for your continued support in your child's education in the French Immersion program. I would like to remind all parents to encourage their child to make more of an effort to speak French at all times. Please continue viewing websites and videos listed on the tab entitled "Parent Resources".

À la prochaine!

Stratégies pour la dictée - le 28 octobre

Each week, students are given a set of 5 dictation words derived from the sound booklets (i.e., Mimi la souris, Une histoire de chats) which are either tied to a unit of study or are high-frequency sight words. During the quiz, I say each word aloud three times and use it in a "context" sentence. 

In Grade 1 we spend time discovering how each student learns differently and we encourage the students to try new strategies when they study for the dictation. Here are some ideas:

1. Practice writing the words on a white board.

2. Use Scrabble letter tiles to put the words together and spell them aloud. Bananagram letters or alphabits work great too!

3. Take an old puzzle and write letters on the back of the puzzle pieces. See how quickly you can put the puzzle together. Use pencil so that the words can be erased and re-used each week.

4. Try "tactile, sensory" strategies by spelling the words with letters made out of plasticine or play dough.

5. Create a word search puzzle with the dictation words hidden in it. Bring it to school to share with the class.

Bonne étude!

Let's Talk Science Workshops

Last week, the Grade 1 classes participated in the "Great Lakes Workshop" sponsored by the Toronto Zoo and the "Let's Talk Science Workshop" sponsored by the U of T outreach program.

We enjoyed learning fun facts about species in our Great Lakes...

1. Acronym HOMES - Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Superior
2. Lake Erie is the smallest of the 5 lakes however inhabits the most fish species. 
3. The fish named Lake Sturgeon can miraculously live for over 150 years!

Check out the activity book that was sent home along with pamphlets about workshops at the Toronto  Zoo for more interesting information. 

Friday 14 October 2016

Weekly Home Practise

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
Throughout the week, your child came home with important learning items. Please make note of the deadlines and return date for the following items:

1. A weekly dictation (dictée) on Friday. Students receive a list of 5 new words derived from a French sound booklet. A sound booklet is sent him to accompany your child with practicing dictation words. We spend time in class doing shared reading activities with the booklets (e.g., recount graphic organizers, making inferences, writing new vocabulary on the word wall, and discussing grammar points).

2. A weekly book bag (sac à livre) on Day 5 (currently Wednesday's). In the book bag, you will find a parent newsletter, a vowel & consonant graphic organizer, and a leveled Alpha Jeunes book.
Please return all three items in the plastic bag each week so that your child can continue progressing in his/her reading with their Reading Buddies.

3. A weekly library book (livre de bibliothèque) on Day 5 (currently Wednesday's). 

4. A monthly show and tell (montre et raconte). This month, the theme is on diverse French books. Your child is asked to choose his/her favourite French book from class, home, or the library to present to peers. The presentation date along with the instructions have been attached in your childs' agenda.

It is recommended that your child spend at least 10-15 minutes reading and answering comprehension questions orally. Students in Grade 1 are not given homework, but rather practise work/reading to help build a routine, independent learning skills, and most importantly, to reinforce learning from school.

Thank you for your continued support in your child's learning!

Thursday 6 October 2016

La communication orale

In order to improve our writing skills, we will take part in an oral communication activity each morning wherein students will be asked to form a different sentence daily with a choice of one of the  following prompt sentence starters.

We are using a "marble jar reward system" in our classroom. We have two jars- one for the class and one for the teacher. Whenever students speak French in our community circle, at the carpet, in cooperative groups, or even during recess, a marble is added. 

This month, the students are working TOGETHER towards a more complex reward. We are counting and praising both individual and group contributions. However, when students speak English, a warning is given and the next time it occurs, a marble is taken away from the class jar and placed in the teacher jar. 

I am implementing the same marble jar system for our morning dialogues. 
1. Two marbles are added to the class jar when a complete sentence is formed. 
E.g., Je suis allé (e) au parc. / I went to the park. 

2. One marble is added to the class jar if the sentence is somewhat complete or contains some English vocabulary. 
E.g., J'ai regardé a movie. / I watched a movie. 
E.g., J'ai joué ______. / I played _______. 

3. No marbles are added to the class jar if there was no sentence constructed. 

So far, the class marble jar is halfway full. Students proclaim their goal is to attain a full jar by the end of October. 

Please reinforce the "marble system" with your child at home and feel free to check the Language and Parent Resource tabs on the right hand side of the blog to practise French vocabulary, phrases, etc.  

Bonne continuation!

Monday 3 October 2016

October at a glance in Room 111

It's astonishing how time's already October!

Here are some important class/school events throughout the month of October.  

Picture Day- Wednesday, October 5th 

Mathematics Quiz - Thursday, October 6th 
We will review in class but you can also practice at home identifying numbers in French using base-ten blocks, counting by 1's, 2's, 5's,  and 10's,  identifying and using numbers on a hundred's chart, and creating and describing patterns (e.g., numerical, letter, shape, etc.).

Pizza Lunch Orders due- Thursday, October 6th 

P.A. Day - Friday, October 7th  

Thanksgiving - Monday, October 10th 

Pizza Lunches - Wednesday, October 12th &  Wednesday, October 26th 

STEM Let's Talk Science Workshop in class- Thursday, October 20th 

Montre et raconte/ Show and Tell -Week of Monday, October 17th - Friday October 20th 

Sac à livre & Dictée - Begin week of Monday, October 17th

Panther Assembly - Friday, October 28th

And...last but not least, enjoy a video created by the students about the inspirational Terry Fox.

Orange Shirt Day