Sunday, 27 November 2016

Trips in December

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
Students have brought home permission forms for two school wide excursions our class will be participating in during December.

1. Young People's Theatre (YPT) - Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

2. Le théâtre français - Thursday, December 8th, 2016

For both trips, students will travel by school bus to watch a theatrical piece. Only ONE parent volunteer will be required to help out.

Please make sure your child comes prepared with the following items:
- comfortable clothing
- a lunch and adequate snacks
-a small bag to carry the lunch


Monday, 21 November 2016

Il fait froid!

Image result for il fait froid clipart

 The cold weather has arrived.  Many children are coming to school with the proper attire and some are not. Unless the temperature is significantly below zero and we are directed to keep the children in for recess and lunch, they will not be allowed to stay inside just because they find it too cold. 
Let’s make sure we are all warm as we confront these cold winter months.

Here is a list of the important pieces of clothing that should be worn during these cold winter months:  
- a warm, heavy coat
-waterproof and weatherproof boots 
-warm, waterproof gloves
-snow pants
-  hat 
-  layered sweaters

In your child’s bag, it would be beneficial for your son/daughter to have the following:
-  an extra pair of warm socks
-  an extra pair of warm gloves
-an extra pair of pants
Let’s do the best we can to keep warm and healthy over the winter.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Friday, 11 November 2016

C'est quoi la paix?

Remembrance day (le jour du souvenir) is a time for us to reflect on the character trait, empathy. One day every year, we pay special tribute to those who died in service to their country. For one brief moment of our life, we remember why we must work for peace every day.

The class and I read the book entitled ''C'est quoi, la paix?'' and brainstormed ideas of what peace means to us all. To my surprise my students came up with amazing responses. We are in the process of making a booklet and presenting our responses in the form of a video. Take a look!













New vocabulary for November:
- un soldat (a solider)
- un coquelicot (a poppy)
- se souvenir (to remember)
- jour du souvenir (Remembrance Day)
- la paix (peace)

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Reminders for November

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
Yet again, we have a busy and exciting month up ahead. Please make note of the following important dates and reminders.

1. Le jour de souvenir/ Remembrance Day - Friday, November 11th, 2016.
Students will be given a poppy to wear for the assembly and similar to previous years, we make a donation to support our Canadian veterans. Please consider bringing a small donation which will be collected in a big jar in the office.

2. Festival du livre/ French Book Fair - November 14th to November 18th
The Scholastic French Book Fair will take place in the library next week.

Here's what to expect:
  • French books in a variety of reading levels - Immersion and Core
  • Book fair will be open until 4 pm daily for that week 
  • Take advantage of the Book Fair after parent-teacher interviews
  • Cash, credit card, cheque and direct debit
Percentage of the sales goes to the purchase of new French books for library/classrooms!

3. Progress Report Cards- Tuesday, November 1u5th, 2016.
Your child received a parent-teacher interview form. Please fill out accordingly and return it by Friday, November 11th.

4. Trips in December
a. Young People's Theater - Tuesday, December 6th, 2016
The permission form has been sent home. Please return the form and deposit money.

b. Le theatre francais- Thursday, December 8th, 2016.
The permission form and details will follow.

5. Overdue Library Books-
Although many students remember to return library books on Day 5's (currently a Wednesday), there are a few students who need to make a conscious effort to return the books on time. Please return all overdue library books.

Thank you for your continued support in your child's education.
A la prochaine!