Thursday 27 April 2017

Outdoor Learning Initiative

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
As we are approaching the splendid months of May and June, we are relieved to experience warmer weather and sunshine. As such, my class and I have reached an accord wherein if we are abiding by and respecting the following class rules;
1. Respecting others and the environment. / Je respecte les autres et l'environnement.  
2. Being responsible. / Je suis responsable.
3. Active listening to peers and teachers. / J'ecoute les personnes qui parlent. 
4. Raising hand before speaking. / Je leve la main avant de parler.
5. Try your best. / Je donne mon 100%. 

We may work in a beautiful outdoor setting to complete assigned language projects (i.e. writing an insect story), science graphic organizers, and/or math scavenger hunts. We are also planning a few trips for the next two months.

Learning outside the classroom will help students build confidence and contribute significantly to raising awareness about the connections we can make with school to the real world. Overall, outdoor learning improves students personal, social, and emotional development. So, we are excited and will definitely take advantage of the wonderful weather.  

Please dress your child accordingly for the weather by wearing hats, sunscreen, and/or sunglasses. 

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Tomorrow is Pink Day!

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),

April 12th, 2017 marks the International Day of Pink. It is a day where communities across the country, and across the world, can unite in celebrating diversity and raising awareness to stop all forms of bullying. Please wear pink tomorrow to show your support.

Image result for la journee rose
In addition, Thursday is our Dance-A-Thon.  Please have all donations in by Wednesday.  We'll be raising funds to redo the girl's washroom. Merci!