Tuesday 25 September 2018

Montre et raconte présentations

The students in Room 111 were proud of the show and tell presentations (Montre et raconte) and wanted to showcase their work to parent(s)/guardian(s) on the class blog.

Note: Unfortunately some videos were unable to upload as they exceeded the maximum length of time. However all efforts of each student were honoured in class.




Mae Mina








Bon travail! A la prochaine.  

Friday 14 September 2018

You're invited to Curriculum Night !

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
You're invited to the annual  barbecue and Curriculum Night! I have been able to briefly meet and connect with most parents, if not all. I look forward to seeing you this Thursday!

Curriculum Night & BBQ
Location: Clairlea Public School 
Date: Thursday, September 20th, 2018
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 

Image result for upcoming dates
Upcoming dates: 
Montre et raconte (Show and Tell) in our class begins week of - Monday September 17th -21st
Pizza Lunch - Wednesday September 26th 
Terry Fox Run - Thursday September 27th 
Orange Shirt Day - Friday September 28th 
Picture Day - Wednesday October 3rd 
P.A. Day - Friday October 5th 
Thanksgiving - Monday October 8th 

Thursday 13 September 2018

Montre et raconte - Show and Tell

Montre et raconte - Show and Tell

Image result for show and tell
Today the students and I discussed what a "montre et raconte" presentation consists of. Your child will receive a yellow duotang with forms containing instructions on how to prepare for the oral presentation, what to say in French, and the date of the presentation all attached in their agenda.

This will only be a preliminary diagnostic to observe oral communication however, in October I will begin grading the presentations. So not to worry if your child is unable to say all of the components independently just yet, but please try your best. Merci !

What you can do as a parent/guardian?

1. Please help your child choose one suitable show and tell object (e.g., picture, game, book, travel souvenir, etc.).

2. Provide time for your child to practice saying the prompt phrases. I have written the instructions both in French and in English to make it easier for parents/guardians.

We will begin all presentations on Monday, September 17th, 2018. 

Below is the schedule we will use at the beginning of every month. Bonne chance!

P.S. I have brought a SPECIAL show and tell today. Their names are Ciel (sky) and Terre (Earth) and your child may remember who I am referring to. Ask your child and they can fill you in.


Mme Bensalam did a show and tell presentation today and introduced our class bird pets named Ciel (Sky) and Terre (Earth). We are happy to hear them chirping and singing. 

Monday 10 September 2018

Our Superhero

During class last week, we discussed what a good student does, says, looks like, sounds like and how he/she feels as a result of the good behaviour. We came to the conclusion that a good student is like a SUPERHERO. Yes a superhero! He/she has the ability to change the community and his/her surroundings for the greater good and be a role model for others to look up to.

Here are the qualities of a good student (superhero) in our classroom:

Following our discussion about what behaviour is expected in the Grade 1 classroom, a classroom contract was sent home for you and your child to read over, confirm that you understand, to sign, and to return to myself. The classroom contract outlines the same rules seen in the picture above (e.g., listen attentively, raise 'magnetic' hands, use manners, share, etc.). I will keep the classroom contract in a folder to revise with your child each month to see if they are on the right track. Your continued support in reinforcing these rules will help greatly in ensuring every child in this classroom feels safe, happy, and enjoys learning at school. So far, we are off to a great start!

Un grand merci!
Madame Bensalam

Agenda's, Forms & Dismissal

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Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
A reminder to return the Clairlea package containing school forms (i.e., walking excursion forms, lunchroom forms, medical information, etc.) as soon as possible. Please make sure that you have filled out all of the components outlined on each form.

Thank you to all who purchased an agenda to facilitate communication. The payment should be made online. For those who have yet to purchase one, a kind reminder that it is an indispensable tool for dialogue between parents and teachers. Remind your child to bring the agenda daily to school. 

Finally, a gentle reminder that all students who are registered to go on the bus afterschool will be going on the bus unless parents have provided a written note to myself or called the school to notify us that your child is being picked up. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Have a wonderful week.


Wednesday 5 September 2018

Les chansons de notre classe!

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),

We made it to day 2 of school, even with this heat. We have been reviewing class rules, routines, and school expectations the first days. Please feel free to check the Parent Resources tab to review French vocabulary and educational games for your child.

Songs We Sing in Our Class
Tête, épaule, genoux, et pieds!
This song is a great way to learn French vocabulary and do a little DPA in the morning. 

La routine du matin

This is a song to help students familiarize themselves with the morning routines and procedures (i.e., getting up, brushing teeth, going to school, recess, lunch, etc.).

Si tu aimes le soleil...