Monday 26 November 2018

Forest Valley TRIP - Monday, December 3rd

Image result for Forest School winterImage result for Forest School
Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
On Monday, December 3rd, 2018 our class will be going on a trip to the Outdoor Forest Valley. 

Many thanks to all the parents who expressed an interest in volunteering for the trip. However, four parent volunteers have already been chosen on a first-come-first-serve basis. A note in your child's agenda will be written tomorrow to confirm your presence. You are kindly requested to arrive at 8:40 a.m. with your child. 

What to Prepare for the Trip:

1. A packed litter-less, nut-free lunch and snacks are required. Please ensure that your child eats a good breakfast arriving to school.

2. Please make sure your child has gone to the washroom as the commute is long to Forest Valley.

3. Dress your child in comfortable, warm, and appropriate for the weather so that he/she is able to explore the center and participate in a tubing activity. Please wear a coat, snow pants, scarf, hat, mitten/gloves, and boots. The outdoor facility does not have extras so please come prepared.


  1. Forest Valley Hike and Lorax Adventure
  2. Lunch
  3. Community Activity
  4. If time permits and if the weather cooperates, we may go tubing on the hill.



Warm regards,

Madame Bensalam

Sunday 18 November 2018

Goodbye Fall, Hello Early Winter

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
Since the weather is projecting a lot of wet snow and is significantly colder, I would like to kindly remind you to dress your child appropriately (e.g., snowpants, water-proof boots, warm coats, hats, gloves/mittens, sweaters, warm socks, etc.). Please pack your child with extra socks and gloves as well. Also, your child is reminded to place his/her scarves, mittens/gloves, and/or hats in the sleeves of their coat after each use to ensure that no precious clothing gets lost. Otherwise, we will be passing by the well-organized 'Lost and Found' to find missing items.


Pendant l'hiver, tu dois porter tous ces vetements pour ne pas prendre froid:

- un pantalon de neige/ une salopette 
- les gants
- un chapeau 
- une tuque 
- les mitaines
- un manteau
- les chaussettes
- les bottes 
- un chandail

French Immersion Homework Help

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),

I was very pleased to meet with you all once again to discuss your child's progress and how we can work together as a team to ensure it is a successful year for your child. I was happy to hear positive feedback regarding our reading program.

As per some parent requests, the Primary teachers have dedicated some time to ensure there is a French Immersion Homework Help club at lunch time Monday's and Wednesday's in the library. Some parents have expressed that they would like their child to join, hence please make sure that on the above dates your child comes prepared with his/her book bag and levelled book.

Some strategies that would be useful to reinforce with your child (along with the retell, relate, and reflect prompts given in the book bag) are the following:


Sunday 11 November 2018

C'est quoi la paix?/ What is peace?

Remembrance day (le jour du souvenir) is a time for us to reflect on the character trait, empathy. One day every year, we pay special tribute to those who died in service to their country. For one brief moment of our life, we remember why we must work for peace every day.

The class and I read the book entitled ''C'est quoi, la paix?'' and brainstormed ideas of what peace means to us all. To my surprise my students came up with amazing responses. We are in the process of making a booklet and presenting our responses in the form of a video. Take a look!

New vocabulary for November:
- un soldat (a solider)
- un coquelicot (a poppy)
- se souvenir (to remember)
- jour du souvenir (Remembrance Day)
- la paix (peace)

Peace is being different, it is feeling good the way we are, it is helping others! The world is amazing thanks to YOU!

We signed a 'Peace Treaty' /Traité de la paix' in our class to signify that from November 11th onward, we will resort to peaceful problem solving strategies (e.g., breathing in and out, counting to 10, negotiating, apologizing, using the hand representation of the brain, sitting at our 'reflecting chair' corner, drawing a contingency map to show red and green choices, expressing our feelings through words and images). We spent quality time this month discussing how peaceful and caring problem solving strategies can help us feel better at school and gain a love for learning. 

After the ceremony on Friday, November 9th, we videotaped responses to what peace is for each student in Room 111. 













Mae Mina







Tuesday 6 November 2018

Reminders for November

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s), 
Yet again, we have a busy and exiting month up ahead. Please make note of the following important dates and reminders. 

1. Photo retakes & Pizza Lunch - Wednesday, November 7th, 2018 

2. Le jour de souvenir/ Remembrance Day - Friday, November 9th, 2018. 
Image result for coquelicot gif
Students will be given a poppy to wear for the assembly and similar to previous years, we make a donation to support our Canadian veterans. Please remind your child that it is a ceremony, hence it is a very serious gathering wherein we observe silence and empathy (no clapping, talking, etc.). Thank you in advance. 

3. Foire du livre/ Book Fair - Monday, November 12th -  Friday, November 16th 
Image result for book fair
You may wish to take advantage of the Book Fair after or before parent-teacher interviews. A percentage of sales goes to the purchase of new French books for the library and/or classrooms. 

4. Progress Reports go home Tuesday, November 13th, 2018.

5. Student-Parent-Teacher Interviews - Tuesday, November 13th - Friday, November 16th
Your child received confirmation in their agenda of the date and time of the parent-teacher interview. Please sign the form and return it as soon as possible. I look forward to meeting all of you and working together to help make your child's academic year a successful one. 
5. Library Books & Book Bags (sac a livre)
Although many students remember to return library books on Day 3's (currently a Wednesday) and book bags on Day 1's (currently Thursday's), there are a few students who need to make a conscious effort to return the books on time in order to benefit from the French program. 

6. P.A. Day - Friday, November 16th, 2018
No school for students. Interviews are scheduled for the morning only. 

7. Pizza Lunch - Wednesday, November 21st, 2018.  

8. Spirit Wear is here! Deadline - Sunday, November 25th, 2018. 
Sample sizes are available in the office. Please follow the link below to place your order online.  

Thank you for your continued support in your child's education.
A la prochaine!

Downloadable French Books

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s), 
For extra practise reading at home, please visit the following website for French books: