Friday 24 June 2016

LAST Week at a glance of the year

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
I can hardly believe there are 3 more days of school left! As the end is approaching, I would like to thank my students and parents for always having a burst of optimism and enthusiasm. Your child is  well on his/her way to one of the most rewarding programmes- French immersion is no walk in the park! I have observed so much growth in your child over the past ten months. I am certain your child will be a gift to a classroom next year.

To my students...
Remember that each day is a fresh new start and no matter what, you are entirely capable to do this. Félicitations et tous mes meilleurs voeux pour la deuxième année!

That said, the following is our last week at a glance of the year.

Monday, June 27th - Outdoor activity (chalk messages and games)
Tuesday, June 28th- Tie dye activity (bring a white or light coloured t-shirt)
Wednesday, June 29th - Bake cookies & Pot luck picnic at Edge Park 

End of the year assembly will take place outside at 1:00 pm on June 29th (weather permitting). 

P.S. A huge pat on the back to my students for returning all of their library books. Yippee! 

P.P.S. Please bring a huge bag to collect duotangs/projects/artwork Monday, June 27th. 

P.P.P.S.  Thursday, June 30th is a P.A. day. There will be no school for students. 

Post scripts overtook this blog...

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