Wednesday 15 June 2016


We are down to two weeks left of school!

Please be mindful of the following dates:

1. Fun Fair - Thursday, June 16th 

2. Spelling Bee 'Concours d'orthographe' - Friday, June 17th
It will be a friendly spelling competition to review all of the words/articles/verbs a Grade 1 student should be familiar with by the end of the year. You will find in your child's agenda a list of words to study. 
There will be a prize for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Bon étude!

3. 'Montre et raconte' (Family Timeline) - Monday, June 20th 
The timelines are coming along brilliantly. The social studies project will be the final show and tell of the year. A kind reminder to the few students who still need to bring photos to do so before Friday. Merci!

As we 'ooh' and 'aah' the photos, we are taken away by how fast time flies!

P.S. The Alpha Jeune books in the reading packages (sac à livre) will continue to be read in class through Guided Reading centres and Mon partage de livre programme but will no longer be sent home. 

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