Sunday 26 March 2017

Around the world and back!

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
Last Friday, the students were overjoyed to share their family heritage and culture for Show and Tell. The students and I learned about the Mate Herbal Tea from Argentina, the Syrtos dance of Greece, the famous vegetables, fruits, and dishes of Canada the colourful design and clothing of Somalia, Tchad, and Sudan, the tropical fruits of Guyana and Jamaica, the Flower Celebration of the Philippines, the chopsticks of China, the cheese pie of Albania and much more!

Who say's you need to travel in an airplane to learn about different countries.

Many thanks to the parents who went above and beyond by baking/cooking/purchasing food for the class.

Note: Unfortunately, due to the volume and size of the videos, some videos were unable to upload. However, all presentations have been well received and acknowledged by students. 
Together we embrace, respect, and share diversity!

Evanthia - Greece

Victoria - Greece

Jade - Bulgaria

Jeremiah - Guyana

Olivia - Canada

Mia - Argentina

Nikola - Albania

Audrey - Canada

Timothy - Philippines 

Samantha - Ireland

Julia - St. Lucia

Kyra - Hungary & Sri Lanka 

Amin - Sudan 

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