Wednesday 8 March 2017

Cultural Show and Tell After March Break

Since February is Black History month and March is Greek Heritage month, we have decided that the theme for 'Montre et raconte' (Show and Tell) will be to address our cultural heritage. Presentations will take place Friday, March 24th, 2017. Unlike the usual weekly schedule, everyone will present on one day.

The following is an outline of the assignment tied to the Family Social Studies unit.

Montre et raconte 

Students will research their own cultural heritage and share it with the class.

What You Need

  • Family members who can help students learn about their ancestry and cultural heritage.

What to Do

  1. Students will ask family members about their traditionsymbolflag, food, clothing, and itemfound in that cultural heritage. A show and tell form will be sent home to help jot down important information.  
  2. Students will prepare a presentation to include examples of items found in their cultural tradition. For example, students may collect and organize personal or magazine photos that show aspects of their heritage, make objects or drawings or come dressed in cultural clothing.
  3. NOTE: The objects students will show don't need to be elaborate, but may be quite simple—perhaps a handful of couscous (representative of a Moroccan heritage) or a drawing or photo of an Inuksuk (representative of an Inuit heritage). 
  4. We will have a cultural heritage pot luck on  this day. Please be prepared to share a purchased or cooked meal/pastry/sweet of your choice tied to your cultural heritage. Merci!
Bon courage!

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