Thursday 9 January 2014

Bienvenue à 2014!

Dear parents/guardians,
Welcome back! I am excited to begin the next chapter of our learning this term. I would like to update you on the concepts we will be learning in January.
In Language, we are beginning poetry. We will develop rhyming patterns in our writing procedures and read nursery rhymes, poems, and songs.
In Mathematics, we are wrapping up with problem solving questions regarding addition, subtraction, and money. We will begin the Measurement unit next week, wherein we will measure length, height, and distance using standard and non-standard units. In addition, we will use tally charts to gather information and represent it on bar graphs and pictographs.
In Science, we will put our "construction hats" on and delve into the unit on Movement. Students will discuss the six types of simple machines and use hands on materials in class to experiment with forces of movement. Take a look at the following link for introductory videos on simple machines:

Language Points System
I understand students have just returned from the winter break, however, please encourage and remind your child to continue speaking in French in class. It is a requirement that the student speaks French throughout the entire instructional day. With the start of a new year, comes a new points system. When students speak English in class, they will accumulate points. Once the student reaches 10 points, a note will be sent home for you to sign, acknowledging that the student needs to make more of an effort using French. Together, you and I can work as a team to help your child attain a love for French and speak French with myself and his/her classmates.
I am already keeping track of some exceptional students who never forget to communicate in French, even outside of class. Bravo!

Please visit the following website for fairy tales, poems, math exercises, games and more.

Enjoy a video of "Le petit Nicolas".


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