Sunday 25 May 2014

French Language Points

Dear parents/guardians,
The past month, I have found myself constantly encouraging students to speak only in French. I kindly remind parents and students alike that practice makes perfect and the more French students speak in class, the more they will learn and remember. 

It can be difficult to enforce French only, especially with a large class and when students are completing group work. Some groups finish French exercises faster than others, and then English conversation usually follows. I would like to make it clear that it is not chatter in class that is frowned upon but rather the English chatter in class. As long as students are using French, they can chat as much as they like (with reason of course).

New French Language Points System
So, I have decided to reintroduce the French Language points system. Students will continue to accumulate points for speaking in French. Once a student has accumulated five points, the student will receive a surprise. Since there are five very competitive groups in class (each with names and logos), I would like to add a bonus surprise at the end of each month for the group that has accumulated the most French Language points!  

Les devoirs
In addition, the homework for this week is to watch the episode of “Le Petit Nicolas- Maixent le Magicien” and answer the following reading comprehension questions in the homework cahier:
1.      Qui sont les personnages principaux?
2.      Où est-ce que l’histoire se situe?
3.      Quel est le problème?
4.      Quelle est la solution?
5.      Quel est le message?

Courage les amis!
Je suis très fière de vous!

Friday 23 May 2014

Healthy Schools 5km Run/Walk is Tomorrow!

Dear parents/guardian,
Tomorrow, May 24th, the TDSB will be hosting a Healthy Schools 5km Run/Walk at Downsview Park. Students who submitted their permission forms are requested to be at school at 8:15 a.m. sharp, as the bus leaves at 8:30 a.m.

How to prepare?
1. Eat a healthy and balanced breakfast.
2. Bring a water bottle.
3. Dress comfortably for the run (i.e. running shoes, running attire).
* Please dress in Clairlea spirit wear.

A demain!

Monday 19 May 2014

Reading Program

Dear parents/guardian,
Your child received a letter to take home last week regarding the Reading Program that  is taking place with our class and Mr. Landry's Grade 4/5 class. The program is two-fold. Reading buddies were assigned to Gr. 2 students throughout the term. Later on, students were introduced to the "Read Write Gold 10" software in the computer lab, in order to help facilitate reading and comprehension.

The Read Write Gold's text-to-speech software allows students to listen to a text being read aloud in MS Word documents, webpages or PDF documents by word highlighting. The students are very familiar with the software and its proper use. They are equally excited to use it at home, as it empowers students to take charge of their own learning!

The continued use of the software over the summer break will help French Immersion students maintain a good level of reading proficiency. Included in the package sent home are instructions to install the free version onto your home computer.

Please return the signed letter by the end of this week to indicate that you have successfully installed the software and are able to use it. 

Thank you in advance for the continued support in your child's education!
For more information, please visit the following link:

Until Next Time Aussie X!

The students had a blast playing Netball on Friday with Aussie X instructor, Doc. They enjoyed learning about Australia and the interactive games that are played overseas.
Take a look!

We would like to thank Doc, Tim and Oliver for their tremendous efforts in allowing the students get an Aussie experience!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Aussie X- May 13th- 16th

Dear parents/guardian,
Your child received a green form to take home last week regarding an exciting Australian program taking place May 13th to May 16th at Clairlea. Please return the signed form and the deposit money of $4.00 no later than May 7th, 2014. 

Our scheduled time for playing Netball is on Friday, May 16th from 12:30 to 3:10. 
Students are reminded to wear clothing suitable for physical activity. They are equally reminded to wear GREEN and YELLOW on May 16th to support all that the exciting Australian team has to offer. 

For more information, please visit the following link:

Monday 5 May 2014

Children's Mental Health Week

Dear parents/guardian,
Your child was given a health form to complete for homework this week, as it is Children's Mental Health Week. The goal is to promote mental health issues and to promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere.

"Do you know how you feel? Do you ever feel worried, sad, afraid or angry? These feelings are normal and it is okay to feel them. Sometimes these feelings are good to feel because they protect you, but sometimes they are not so good because they make you feel bad. 

According to the Children's Mental Health Ontario 1 in 5 children, youth and adults is affected by mental health issues. Disorders range from anxiety, depression and conduct disorder, to eating disorders, psychosis, and bi-polar disorder. Left untreated, mental health disorders can lead to school failure, family conflicts, drug abuse and even suicide. 

Children's Mental Health week is about increasing awareness of the signs of child and youth mental health problems and decreasing stigma. Help is available and treatment works! The more educated we are on the subject, the more capable we are to reach out for support."

For more information and resources visit