Monday 5 May 2014

Children's Mental Health Week

Dear parents/guardian,
Your child was given a health form to complete for homework this week, as it is Children's Mental Health Week. The goal is to promote mental health issues and to promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere.

"Do you know how you feel? Do you ever feel worried, sad, afraid or angry? These feelings are normal and it is okay to feel them. Sometimes these feelings are good to feel because they protect you, but sometimes they are not so good because they make you feel bad. 

According to the Children's Mental Health Ontario 1 in 5 children, youth and adults is affected by mental health issues. Disorders range from anxiety, depression and conduct disorder, to eating disorders, psychosis, and bi-polar disorder. Left untreated, mental health disorders can lead to school failure, family conflicts, drug abuse and even suicide. 

Children's Mental Health week is about increasing awareness of the signs of child and youth mental health problems and decreasing stigma. Help is available and treatment works! The more educated we are on the subject, the more capable we are to reach out for support."

For more information and resources visit

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