Sunday 8 February 2015

Fun Filled February!

Dear parents/guardians,
Due to a P.A. day on Friday, the dictation will be postponed until next week. Please make sure to return the homework package and book by Monday, February 9th , as we have Reading Buddies. The following are reminders about events taking place in February and March:

1. Term 1 Report Cards - Report cards will be going home on Tuesday, February 10th.

2. Winter Carnival- The primary students (Grades 1 -3) will take part in an exciting day filled with crafts, interactive games, dancing, singing, and much more on Thursday, February 12th.
3. Ripley's Aquarium Trip Form- Your child will take part in an intriguing workshop at Ripley's Aquarium on Friday, March 6th. Since we have a Betta fish in our classroom, this is the perfect opportunity for students to learn about other types of fish and tank care. Please return the signed form and money by the end of this week. Volunteers for the trip will be chosen on a first come first serve basis.

4. Sick Kids Fundraiser- Two lovely recess helpers of mine have informed me that they are raising money for the Sick Kids Foundation along with Ms. Purvis' class. They will be selling cookies at recess for $1.00 each. The students who purchase them will place orders like they did for candy grams. The cookies will be delivered to the students on Tuesday, February 10th.  What a great way to share the love; after all it is almost Valentine's Day!

5. L'histoire du people noir - We are celebrating Black History month by reading books about inclusion and discussing geography and interesting facts about African countries. We read the book titled "Comme toi" by Genevieve Cote. This simple and charming story showed us that we are all unique and that it is important to accept differences which make our world all the more colourful!

We learned about the names, symbols, colours, design, and history of some of the 53 flags and countries of Africa.


6. P.A. Day on Friday, February 13th & Family Day on Monday, February 16th. Hence, there will be no school and a wonderful long weekend for you to enjoy.

Phew... I think that was it!

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