Monday 9 November 2015

Une recette

The culminating activity for the Language unit on procedures was to write a unique vegetable or fruit salad recipe using a success criteria as a guide (e.g., interesting title, ingredients, number steps, use verbs in the beginning, write clearly).
Following presentations of our delicious recipes, the students took a vote to choose the most appealing fruit and vegetable salad. We had a blast taking on the role of ''mini chefs'' in our classroom.

P.S. The recipe for the winning salads are the following:
1. Tropical fruit salad made with melon, pears, apple, and 1/4 cup of apple juice.
2. Filling vegetable salad made with spinach, red peppers, cherry tomatoes, corn, and cut Melba toast for croutons on top.

Bon appétit!

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