Monday 11 January 2016

Academic Update

So far, a fantastic start to 2016!
As you view the pictures at home, ask your child to fill you in on what he/she is learning. Please continue to reinforce speaking in French in the classroom. Merci!

In Mathematics, we are learning about surveys, bar graphs, pictographs, and new vocabulary in the Data Management unit.

In Language, we are delving into the poetry unit as we discuss poems and songs about winter.

Winter Vocabulary

Snowman Song

Petit Ours (Little Bear) Poem

We are reviewing words with the vowel /o/ from the book entitled ''Une orange pour Solange''. The following are the dictation words for Friday, January 15th:

In Science, we are beginning a project revolving on the four seasons entitled ''A Year in My Life''.

1. Book bag ('sac a livre') and Reading Buddies are Monday's (Day 3). 
2. Dictations are every Friday. 
3. Library book is to be returned Wednesday's (Day 5). 
4. Show and Tell ('montre et raconte') is at the beginning of every month. 

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