Wednesday 5 December 2018

Show and Tell- Theme is Cultural Festival/Holiday

Montre et raconte - Cultural Show and Tell
Yesterday the students and I discussed what a "montre et raconte" presentation consists of. Your child received a yellow duotang with forms containing instructions on how to prepare for the oral presentation, what to say in French, and the date of the presentation all attached in their agenda.

The theme for this month's presentation is to choose an object/clothing that represents your favourite cultural festival or holiday. Since the winter break is fast approaching, I would like to take the time to do an inclusive activity wherein every student in the class can boost his/her self-esteem by discussing what they love. We are trying to make a connection between what we celebrate at home and how we can encourage and support that at school to ensure every child is feeling happy!

What you can do as a parent/guardian?

1. Please help your child choose one suitable show and tell object (e.g., picture, game, book, travel souvenir, etc.).

2. Provide time for your child to practice saying the prompt phrases. I have written the instructions both in French and in English to make it easier for parents/guardians.

We will begin all presentations on Monday, December 10th, 2018. 

Below is the schedule we will use at the beginning of every month. Bonne chance!

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