Friday 17 May 2019

A Wonderful Day at Dairy Queen

Thursday, May 16th, the students in Room 111 earned their treat to go to Dairy Queen!

Amazing Mother's!

Happy Mother's Day to all the special women in a child's life (mother, aunt, grandmother, caregiver).

Your child spent Friday May 10th reading the book entitled Je t'aimerai toujours by Robert Munsch. As young as the students are, they were able to understand that a mother's love goes far beyond words can explain. Since "pictures speak louder than words", here is a glimpse of the book:


We then sang a lovely song for our mothers/caregivers!

Translation: I will love you forever. The night like the day. And as long as I live, you will always be my mother!

Our Families Are Special !

                                         Together we embrace, respect, and share diversity!

Thursday 2 May 2019

La motivation

Our class motto is " Je peux et je vais le faire!" - I can and I will do it!

This message has been encouraging us to continue trying in the French Immersion program, no matter our challenges. 

Literacy Centres

I can proudly say that the students in Room 111 have matured and are developing a sense of responsibility for their own learning. As students take part in literacy centres, they develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in French through diverse materials (e.g., white boards, interactive cards/puzzles, magazines, ear phones, etc.) that relate to their personal interests and to other subject areas. 

With the daily five, students were given the option to visit a language centre on a weekly basis. The centres consist of Read to Self, Sound work, Listen to Reading/Song, Word Work, and Puzzle Centre. The students were held accountable for their learning by completing a reader response or graphic organizer in their booklet, all for assessment purposes. 

Students are enjoying practising literacy skills at their own level and pace. 

Geometry Centers

For the visual and kineasthetic learners in the class, they were given the opportunity to explore and build geometrical shapes and figures using different materials.

Allergy Alert

Image result for allergy alert

A message from the office: 

Dear Clairlea community,

We wanted to reach out with an important reminder about anaphylaxis. Yesterday, we had a student come in contact with something that caused an anaphylactic reaction. An Epipen was administrated and the student received medical help at the hospital. He fully recovered thanks to the quick response from our wonderful staff.

We feel that all parents should be aware that there are several children in our school with a severe life-threatening food allergy to nuts called anaphylaxis. This is a medical condition that causes a severe reaction to specific foods or other materials, and can result in death within minutes. Peanuts and peanut products and other nuts are the most common foods to cause anaphylaxis.

Although this may or may not affect your child’s class directly, we want to inform you so that you send foods to school with your child that are free from nuts & nut products. Also, to remind children not to share snacks and food.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.