Friday 28 November 2014

Clairlea's Annual Food Drive

Dear parents/guardians,
The Student Leadership Team (SLT) has been working diligently with teachers to promote our annual Clairlea Food Drive. Donations will go to two areas: Birchmount Community Centre and Corvette P.S.

Some facts to consider:
  • 17% of Canadian children live in poverty
  • 29% of children live in low-income families
  • 1.1 million children in Canada experience food issues
  • 1 million visits to GTA food banks per year, for six years in a row.
  • 40% of GTA food bank clients reported that they did not eat for an entire day due to lack of money.
  • Canada ranks 24th among 35 developed countries when it comes to child poverty.

  • Food items to be collected include foods representing ethnic diversity: canned beans, peas, rice, etc. 
  • A listing of food items was provided for you in a red flyer sent home.
Thank you for supporting a worthy cause!

Une recette

The culminating activity for the Language unit on procedures was to write a unique hot chocolate recipe using a success criteria as a guide (e.g., interesting title, ingredients, number steps, use verbs in the beginning, write clearly).
Here are pictures of the writing process (e.g., writing rough and good copies):

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Stratégies pour la dictée – le 28 novembre

Each week, students are given a set of 5 dictation words chosen from the word wall in our class (either tied to a unit of study or are high-frequency sight words). During the quiz, I say each word aloud three times and use it in a "context" sentence. Dictations will be sent home on Monday for correction and parent signature.

In Grade 1 we spend time discovering how each student learns differently and we encourage the students to try new strategies when they study for the dictation. Here are some ideas:

1. Practice writing the words on a white board.

2. Use Scrabble letter tiles to put the words together and spell them aloud. Bananagram letters or alphabits work great too!

3. Take an old puzzle and write letters on the back of the puzzle pieces. See how quickly you can put the puzzle together. Use pencil so that the words can be erased and re-used each week.

4. Try "tactile, sensory" strategies by spelling the words with letters made out of plasticine or play dough.

5. Create a word search puzzle with the dictation words hidden in it. Bring it to school to share with the class.

I hope this helps :) !

Saturday 22 November 2014

Updates in Room 111

La classe de Mme. Bensalam
Dear parents/guardians,
The following is an overview of the new units we are beginning in each subject area. It would be greatly appreciated if you could review the material discussed in class in order to make sure your child understands the content.

1. In Mathematics, we are learning about directions and positions in Geometry. Here is a list of prepositions and vocabulary to practice at home:

- sur (on)
- sous (under)
- dans (in)
- devant (in front of)
- derrière (behind)
- entre (between)
- à gauche (to the left)
- à droite (to the right)
- à côté de (beside)
- près de (near)
- loin de (far)
- contre (against)
- en haut (above)
- en bas (below)
- une case (a square/box)
- une grille (a graph)
- une carte (a map)

Sur, sous, dans chanson :
Vocabulary Review:

You may play a game at home titled "L'objet mystere" (Mystery Object), wherein your child hides an object and describes the location of the object by using preposition words.

2. In Language, we are developing our procedural writing skills. We are learning that procedures have steps, are numbered, begin with a verb, and describe the actions we carry out to make something. On Friday, we prepared hot chocolate (le chocolat chaud) with marshmallows (les guimauves). This week, we will be writing the steps needed to make our own unique hot chocolate recipe.
Students will also get a chance to practice reading, writing, listening, and dictation skills in literacy centers.

3. In Social Studies, we are continuing our community member puppet show presentations. We would like to expand our understanding of the unit by building the structures we see in our community using recycled material. This culminating activity will help students design maps with a legend and practice describing location on a grid for Mathematics. Please send in any of the following recycled material as soon as possible to our classroom:
- bottle caps
- cereal boxes
- tissue boxes
- egg cartons
- card board
- magazines
- newspapers
- toilette paper rolls
- empty plastic fruit cups


4. In Science, we are wrapping up the unit on living and non-living things and identifying parts of the body. We will soon begin the next unit on daily and seasonal changes.

5. In Drama, we are going over a series of activities tied to the character trait of the month, empathy. We will continue discussing the importance of understanding, acknowledging, and talking about our feelings through activities such as, "Put downs and Put Ups", Listening Role Play, Point of View, etc.

6. For practice at home (les devoirs), students have:
a. A weekly dictation on Friday. They receive a list of 5 new words on Monday's.
b. A language and mathematics package which is due on Thursday's.
c. A sound booklet to read (i.e.,"Mimi la souris", "L'histoire de chats", "Une orange pour Solange"). We take the time in class to do shared reading activities, such as; reading buddies, recount graphic organizers (Qui, Quand, Ou, Pourquoi, Comment), making inferences, writing new vocabulary on the word wall ("mur de mots"), and discussing grammar points. After two weeks, the book is sent home for your child to read with a parent/guardian. It is recommended that your child spend at least 10 minutes reading the book and answering comprehension questions orally. Students in Grade 1 are not given homework, but rather practice work/reading to help build a routine at home and develop independent work skills for 10- 15 minutes.

As always, thank you for your continued support in your child's education in the French Immersion program. I would like to remind all parents to encourage their child to make more of an effort to speak French at all times. Please continue viewing websites listed on the tab titled "Parent Resources".


Wednesday 19 November 2014


Every morning, we sit in a community circle and before we begin our calendar routine, I ask each student the simple question "How are you?" - "Comment ca va?". As a class we discuss how we could support each student for that day (e.g., possible solutions to feeling tired are to eat a healthy breakfast, get to bed early, drink plenty of water, exercise).
Since this month's character trait is empathy, I would like to encourage parents to explain to their child that expressing and acknowledging feelings are an important tool for conflict resolution.
Please practice the French vocabulary listed below with your child.
Je me sens... ( I feel …)
1. heureux/ heureuse  (happy)
2. triste  (sad)
3. fâché/ fâchée  (angry)
4. peureux / peureuse (scared)
5. curieux/ curieuse  (curious)
6. surpris / surprise (surprised)
7. embarrassé / embarrassée (embarrassed)
8. fier / fière (proud)
9. excite / excitée (excited)
10. désolé / désolée (sorry) 

Monday 17 November 2014

Goodbye Fall, Hello Early Winter Weather

Dear parents/guardians,
Since the weather is projecting a lot of wet snow and is significantly colder, I would like to kindly remind you to dress your child appropriately (e.g., snowpants, water-proof boots, warm coats, hats, gloves/mittens, sweaters, warm socks, etc.). Please pack your child with extra socks and gloves as well.


Pendant l'hiver, tu dois porter tous ces vetements pour ne pas prendre froid:
- un pantalon de neige/ une salopette
- les gants
- un chapeau
- une tuque
- les mitaines
- un manteau
- les chaussettes
- les bottes
- un chandail