Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Every morning, we sit in a community circle and before we begin our calendar routine, I ask each student the simple question "How are you?" - "Comment ca va?". As a class we discuss how we could support each student for that day (e.g., possible solutions to feeling tired are to eat a healthy breakfast, get to bed early, drink plenty of water, exercise).
Since this month's character trait is empathy, I would like to encourage parents to explain to their child that expressing and acknowledging feelings are an important tool for conflict resolution.
Please practice the French vocabulary listed below with your child.
Je me sens... ( I feel …)
1. heureux/ heureuse  (happy)
2. triste  (sad)
3. fâché/ fâchée  (angry)
4. peureux / peureuse (scared)
5. curieux/ curieuse  (curious)
6. surpris / surprise (surprised)
7. embarrassé / embarrassée (embarrassed)
8. fier / fière (proud)
9. excite / excitée (excited)
10. désolé / désolée (sorry) 

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