Friday 28 November 2014

Clairlea's Annual Food Drive

Dear parents/guardians,
The Student Leadership Team (SLT) has been working diligently with teachers to promote our annual Clairlea Food Drive. Donations will go to two areas: Birchmount Community Centre and Corvette P.S.

Some facts to consider:
  • 17% of Canadian children live in poverty
  • 29% of children live in low-income families
  • 1.1 million children in Canada experience food issues
  • 1 million visits to GTA food banks per year, for six years in a row.
  • 40% of GTA food bank clients reported that they did not eat for an entire day due to lack of money.
  • Canada ranks 24th among 35 developed countries when it comes to child poverty.

  • Food items to be collected include foods representing ethnic diversity: canned beans, peas, rice, etc. 
  • A listing of food items was provided for you in a red flyer sent home.
Thank you for supporting a worthy cause!

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