Sunday 14 December 2014

Week at a glance in Room 111

Week at a glance - December 15- 19
Monday, Dec. 15 - Qu'est-ce que la gentillesse? 
Tuesday, Dec. 16- Procedure : Comment faire une pizza?
Wednesday, Dec. 17 - Pizza Lunch & Bricolage
Thursday, Dec. 18 - Les devoirs sont due! (Homework package is due.)
Friday, Dec. 19- Panther Assembly, Festive Wear, Class Party

The winter break is fast approaching and we have several items on our class "To Do List" (listed above). The students and I thought it would be grand to celebrate our time together with a party on Friday, December 19th. I will bring in some treats. If parents would like to bring treats as well, please be mindful of the following food restrictions/allergies in our class:
- nuts of any kind
- gelatin

Merci !

*Note: There is no dictation this week. An optional practise package along with dictation words will be sent home on Friday for the winter break. Other than that, I would like my students to rest well and enjoy the break with family and friends.

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