Friday 18 December 2015

Joyeuses vacances!

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
I would like to thank you for the gifts and thoughtful cards. Truly, I feel blessed to have amazing students to teach and wonderful parents to work with. I wish each family a delightful winter break and a pleasant start to the New Year.

Below are pictures and videos of our final day at school !
I leave you with a poem about kindness we have been reciting in class. We decided that we would smile, be friendly, and share what we can with our friends, teachers, and especially our family this winter break.

La gentillesse c’est un sourire,
Une main tendue de l’amitié
C’est tout simplement un plaisir
Qu’on est heureux de partager! 

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Food Drive

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
The Student Leadership Team at Clairlea has organized a Food Drive. It will take place from December 7th to December 18th. The donations will be sent to the Birchmount Community Centre.

Please donate non-perishable food items:
- canned goods (tomatoes, beans, fruits, corn, etc.)
- boxed food (pasta, spaghetti, crackers, cereal, etc.)
- fun items (cookies, healthy snack bars)
- baby food

Many thanks to the students who have already started bringing items.

La dictée- le 11 décembre

This week, we are practicing the sound "e". Read the story of the fox entitled "Reno le renard" to help identify and spell the following words. 

Wednesday 2 December 2015

La dictée- le 4 décembre

This week, we are practicing the sound "u". Read the story entitled "Au clair de la lune" to help identify and spell the following words. 

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Academic Update

La classe de Mme. Bensalam
Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
The following is an overview of the new units we are beginning in each subject area. It would be greatly appreciated if you could review the material discussed in class in order to make sure your child understands the content.

1. In Mathematics, we are learning about directions and positions in Geometry. Here is a list of prepositions and vocabulary to practice at home:

sur (on)
- sous (under)
- dans (in)
- devant (in front of)
- derrière (behind)
- entre (between)
- à gauche (to the left)
- à droite (to the right)
- à côté de (beside)
- près de (near)
- loin de (far)
- contre (against)
- en haut (above)
- en bas (below)
- une case (a square/box)
- une grille (a graph)
- une carte (a map)

Sur, sous, dans chanson :
Vocabulary Review:

You may play a game at home titled "L'objet mystère" (Mystery Object), wherein your child hides an object and describes the location of the object using preposition words.

2. In Language, we are beginning our narrative writing unit. We are learning that narratives have a beginning, middle, and an end, describe characters, setting, problems, and solutions. On Friday, we completed a narrative graphic organizer after reading the book "L'arbre généreux". Please reinforce reading comprehension questions through the weekly reading package sent home.

3. In Social Studies, we would like to expand our understanding of different professions by building the structures we see in our community using recycled material. This culminating activity will help students design maps with a legend and practice describing location on a grid for Mathematics.

Please send in any of the following recycled material as soon as possible to our classroom:
- bottle caps
- cereal boxes
- tissue boxes
- egg cartons
- card board
- magazines
- newspapers
- toilette paper rolls
- empty plastic fruit cups


4. In Science, we are wrapping up the unit on living and non-living things and identifying parts of the body. We will soon begin the next unit on daily and seasonal changes.

5. In Dramawe are going over a series of activities tied to the character trait of the month, empathy. We will continue discussing the importance of understanding, acknowledging, and talking about our feelings through activities such as, "Put downs and Put Ups", Listening Role Play, Point of View, etc.

6. For practice at home (les devoirs), students have:
a. A weekly dictation on Friday. They receive a list of 5 new words on Monday's.
b. A sound booklet to read (i.e.,"Mimi la souris", "L'histoire de chats").
c. A reading book bag.
We take time in class to do shared reading activities, such as; reading buddies, recount graphic organizers (Qui, Quand, Ou, Pourquoi, Comment), making inferences, writing new vocabulary on the word wall ("mur de mots"), and discussing grammar points. It is recommended that your child spend at least 10 minutes reading the book and answering comprehension questions orally.

As always, thank you for your continued support in your child's education in the French Immersion program. I would like to remind all parents to encourage their child to make more of an effort to speak French at all times. Please continue viewing websites and videos listed on the tab titled "Parent Resources".

La dictée - le 27 novembre

This week, we are practicing the sound "a". Read the story of the cat "L'histoire de chat" to help identify and spell the following words. 

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Le jour de souvenir

Remembrance day (le jour du souvenir) is a time for us to reflect on the character trait, empathy. One day every year, we pay special tribute to those who died in service to their country. For one brief moment of our life, we remember why we must work for peace every day.

The class and I read the book entitled ''C'est quoi, la paix?'' and brainstormed ideas of what peace means to us all. To my surprise my students came up with amazing responses. We are in the process of making a booklet and presenting our responses in the form of a video. Take a look...















New vocabulary for November:
- un soldat (a solider)
- un coquelicot (a poppy)
- se souvenir (to remember)
- jour du souvenir (Remembrance Day)
- la paix (peace)

French Sound Booklets

Every week, the students and I practice a French sound, learn new vocabulary, and construct a little booklet revolving around the sound. We began with the French sound "i", pronounced "e" in English and started reading the book titled "Mimi la souris" (Mimi the mouse). The booklet is sent home to use as an aid for the dictation quiz on Friday's. Please return the booklets every Friday so we can collect them throughout the year.

Voici notre petit livret "Mimi la souris":

Bonne lecture!

Stratégies pour la dictée - le 20 novembre

Each week, students are given a set of 5 dictation words chosen from the word wall in our class (either tied to a unit of study or are high-frequency sight words). During the quiz, I say each word aloud three times and use it in a "context" sentence. 

In Grade 1 we spend time discovering how each student learns differently and we encourage the students to try new strategies when they study for the dictation. Here are some ideas:

1. Practice writing the words on a white board.

2. Use Scrabble letter tiles to put the words together and spell them aloud. Bananagram letters or alphabits work great too!

3. Take an old puzzle and write letters on the back of the puzzle pieces. See how quickly you can put the puzzle together. Use pencil so that the words can be erased and re-used each week.

4. Try "tactile, sensory" strategies by spelling the words with letters made out of plasticine or play dough.

5. Create a word search puzzle with the dictation words hidden in it. Bring it to school to share with the class.

Bonne étude!

Monday 9 November 2015

Une recette

The culminating activity for the Language unit on procedures was to write a unique vegetable or fruit salad recipe using a success criteria as a guide (e.g., interesting title, ingredients, number steps, use verbs in the beginning, write clearly).
Following presentations of our delicious recipes, the students took a vote to choose the most appealing fruit and vegetable salad. We had a blast taking on the role of ''mini chefs'' in our classroom.

P.S. The recipe for the winning salads are the following:
1. Tropical fruit salad made with melon, pears, apple, and 1/4 cup of apple juice.
2. Filling vegetable salad made with spinach, red peppers, cherry tomatoes, corn, and cut Melba toast for croutons on top.

Bon appétit!

Book Fair Nov. 9-19 (extended date) in the Library

Image result for book fair
The Scholastic Book Fair has finally arrived at Clairlea! It will take place November 9th to November 19th (extended date). If you would like to purchase items, please bring a zip lock bag with money and your child's name on it. We will visit the library during class time to peruse the selection of English and French books. 

The Book Fair offers you the opportunity to purchase books at a reduced price. You may come visit the fair after school, as the library will be open until 4:30pm. Alternatively, your child will get the chance to purchase books either through class time, recess, or lunch. 

Bonne lecture!

Sunday 13 September 2015

Montre et raconte

Montre et raconte 
Show and Tell
Last week, the students and I discussed what a "montre et raconte" presentation consists of. Your child received a form with instructions on how to prepare for the oral presentation and what to say in French in their agenda.

1. Please help your child choose one suitable show and tell object (e.g., picture, game, book, travel souvenir, etc.).

2. Provide time for your child to practice saying the prompt phrases. I have written the instructions both in French and in English to make it easier for parents/guardians.

3. An exemplar will be shown Monday. We will begin Tuesday, September 15th. 

Bonne chance!

Les chansons de notre classe!

Songs We Sing in Our Class
Tête, épaule, genoux, et pieds!
This song is a great way to learn French vocabulary and do a little DPA in the morning. 

La routine du matin

This is a song to help students familiarize themselves with the morning routines and procedures (i.e., getting up, brushing teeth, going to school, recess, lunch, etc.).

Si tu aimes le soleil...

Agenda's, Forms & Dismissal

Dear parents/guardians,
A reminder to return the Clairlea package containing school forms (i.e., walking excursion forms, lunchroom forms, medical information, etc.) by Friday, September 18th. Please make sure that you have filled out all of the components outlined on each form.

Thank you to all who purchased an agenda to facilitate communication. The agenda costs $8.00. For those who have yet to purchase one, a kind reminder that it is an indispensable tool for dialogue between parents and teachers. Remind your child to bring the agenda daily to school.

Finally, a gentle reminder that all students who are registered to go on the bus afterschool will be going on the bus unless parents have provided a written note to myself or called the school to notify us that your child is being picked up. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


Monday 7 September 2015

Bonne rentrée!

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),

Welcome back to school! I am excited to be your child's Grade 1 teacher this year. This year is going to be full of many adventures and learning experiences and I cannot wait to embark on them. The following is some important information:

8: 40  - 11 :30 AM        LUNCH  11: 30 - 12: 25       12: 25 - 3: 15

Please make sure that your child arrives on time so that he/she receives the benefit from the program. As a courtesy to all staff, please pick up your child promptly at lunch and dismissal time. Students registered on the school bus for dismissal will be escorted to the school bus, unless there is a written note/phone call from parents/guardians advising us of other pick up arrangements.

If your child eats at school, please pack healthy and adequate lunch and snacks. We discourage glass bottles, soft drinks, candy, and chips. The lunch should be packed in a bag with your child's name on it. Please be mindful of the following school allergies; peanuts/nuts and fish.

Library day is DAY 5. It would be appreciated if you remind your child to return the book borrowed by this day so that he/she can take out another one.

Physical Education days are DAY 4 and 5. Please do not forget that rubber soled running shoes are required during gym class to prevent slipping on the floor. These running shoes will also be used in the classroom daily (indoor shoes).

Music day is DAY 2. Students are reminded to bring instruments, if any and be prepared for the lessons.

Drama/Dance day is DAY 1.

Please encourage your child to use the washroom before coming to school each day. At the beginning of the year we will be going to the washrooms before recesses to practise routines and help develop a habit of going at this time. Students will be discouraged from going during class time due to interruptions and for safety reasons. If the child must go, they will go with a buddy.

Please notify me about all allergies or health concerns. If your child is ill, please have him/her stay home and rest until he/she can participate in all school programming.

Students go outside twice during the school day for a 15 minute recess. As well, if they are staying for lunch, they will be outside for 30 minutes. Please make sure your child wears clothing suitable for the weather every day.

Children are NOT allowed to bring toys to school. If they do, they will be asked to leave them in their back packs or with me until the day is over. Next week, I will be asking children to bring their favourite object to school as part of a speaking activity for Show and Tell.

We will spend time working on school routines and building a sense of community in and outside the classroom. We will establish and display our TRIBES agreements that will help us remember that mutual respect, active listening, appreciation, and positive participation promote academic success.

We will also be reviewing what children learned in Kindergarten as well as gradually moving toward meeting the First Term expectations for Grade 1.

You can help your child adapt to the routines of Grade 1 by making sure that he/she receives adequate rest and by talking with him/her about how to be a good listener and friend. You may also refer to educational French websites on the "Parent Resources" tab of this blog. I will be observing your child carefully to assess his/her skills so that I will be able to provide your child with the right program that suits his/her needs.

A parent newsletter and class timetable will be sent home shortly.

Thank you for your support and here's to a fantastic year!

Madame Bensalam

Sunday 21 June 2015

Last Week of School!

Each year seems to fly by even faster than the year before! As we approach the end of the year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank each parent/guardian for your help, support, and interest in your child's learning. I am very fortunate enough to have a class of students who are thoughtful, genuinely caring, and filled with excitement to learn! I congratulate my students for a wonderful year and wish them all the best as I send them off to their next grade.

Please be mindful of the following events/reminders in our classroom for the last week of school.

Monday, June 22nd -  Montre et raconte (Show and Tell) of your choice will begin Monday. Come prepared with the item you would like to share with the class.
Tuesday, June 23rd- Math and language centers madness! We will play math and language center games in the morning and begin our class clean up in the afternoon.
** Please bring a big bag to take home all workbooks and class projects. **
Wednesday, June 24th- Indoor and outdoor Pan Am games and obstacle courses. As an introduction to the exciting events that will take place in Toronto this summer, our class will put on our Olympian hats and compete in class sports such as, sprints, volleyball, badminton, soccer, etc. Everyone is a winner in our classroom!

Thursday, June 25th- We will celebrate the last day of school with a school Awards Ceremony. Thursday will be proud purple day. We will have a class party. I will bring in some food items. If you would also like to bring in food items, please be mindful of the following allergies; nuts of any kind, soy, and gelatin.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Spelling Bee

Image result for Spelling bee
For our last dictation of the year, the students will participate in a Spelling Bee on Friday, June 19th . It will be a friendly spelling competition to review all of the words/articles/verbs a Grade 1 student should be familiar with by the end of the year. You will find in your child's agenda a list of words to study for Friday.

Here are some basic rules for the class Spelling Bee.
1. The teacher pronounces the word, uses the word in a sentence, and says the word again.
2. The student listens carefully to the teacher and asks for the word to be repeated if necessary.
3. The student pronounces the word, spells it and then says the word again. The student must say it loud enough for everyone to hear.
4. The teacher determines whether or not the word was spelled correctly.
5. If the correct spelling was given, the student remains in the game.
6. If the spelling was incorrect, the student is eliminated from the game. The teacher gives the correct spelling of that word and then reads a new word to the next student.
7. When there are only two spellers left, if one player misspells a word, the other player must spell that word correctly, plus one more word to be declared the winner of the spelling bee.

There will be a prize for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Bonne étude!

P.S. The Alpha Jeune books in the reading packages will continue to be read in class through Guided Reading Centers and Mon Partage de livre programme. However, as of last Friday they are no longer being sent home.