Sunday 21 June 2015

Last Week of School!

Each year seems to fly by even faster than the year before! As we approach the end of the year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank each parent/guardian for your help, support, and interest in your child's learning. I am very fortunate enough to have a class of students who are thoughtful, genuinely caring, and filled with excitement to learn! I congratulate my students for a wonderful year and wish them all the best as I send them off to their next grade.

Please be mindful of the following events/reminders in our classroom for the last week of school.

Monday, June 22nd -  Montre et raconte (Show and Tell) of your choice will begin Monday. Come prepared with the item you would like to share with the class.
Tuesday, June 23rd- Math and language centers madness! We will play math and language center games in the morning and begin our class clean up in the afternoon.
** Please bring a big bag to take home all workbooks and class projects. **
Wednesday, June 24th- Indoor and outdoor Pan Am games and obstacle courses. As an introduction to the exciting events that will take place in Toronto this summer, our class will put on our Olympian hats and compete in class sports such as, sprints, volleyball, badminton, soccer, etc. Everyone is a winner in our classroom!

Thursday, June 25th- We will celebrate the last day of school with a school Awards Ceremony. Thursday will be proud purple day. We will have a class party. I will bring in some food items. If you would also like to bring in food items, please be mindful of the following allergies; nuts of any kind, soy, and gelatin.

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