Thursday 26 March 2015

As-tu rempli un seau aujourd'hui?/ Have you filled a bucket today?

Since tomorrow is Beach Day and the Panther Assembly at Clairlea, the students and I have been discussing the qualities of an honest person and what types of activities they enjoy at the beach. One of the most popular activities is playing in the sand and building sand castles using a pail and a shovel.

Along these lines, we decided to read "As-tu rempli un seau aujourd'hui?" by Carol McCloud. This is a book about feelings and making the right choices. The book uses an invisible bucket, that everyone has, to help illustrate how to fill your bucket. The idea is to encourage positive behaviour as students see how rewarding it is to show daily kindness, appreciation, and love. The bucket is used as a metaphor to understand the effects of our actions and words on others and ourselves.

Engage in your child's learning by asking him/her about the book and ways they could fill their bucket at home, at school, and in the community. We can start by taking part in Earth Hour tomorrow!

P.S. Don't forget to bring a change of clothes for Beach Day tomorrow.

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