Monday 6 April 2015

La dictée – le 10 avril

This week we are practicing how to conjugate the verbs "etre" (to be) and "avoir" (to have) in the present tense. Since it is a short week, we will begin with a dictation on the French pronouns.

La dictée- le 10 avril
1. Je                   ( I )
2. Tu                  ( You - singular )
3. Il                    ( He )
4. Elle                ( She )
5. Nous              ( We )
6. Vous              ( You - plural )
7. Ils                   ( They - masculine )
8. Elles               ( They - feminine )

P.S. Yes...the dictation is 3 words longer however, the words are short and easy to remember.

Bonne étude!

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