Sunday, 12 April 2015

Protégeons notre planète!

April... the month famous for spring clean up, reflecting on the state of our planet, and showing some love to the Earth by being eco-friendly students.

So, that's just what we did! We started by cleaning out our desks and back packs, sorting material into the recycling bin, the garbage or for reuse, reflecting on issues that affect our planet (e.g., pollution, wasting water and electricity, throwing garbage, not reusing, loss of animals/insects like honey bees, cutting trees). Following our class discussion, the students showed empathy by explaining how the Earth would feel - hurt, disappointed, angry, sad, and maybe hopeful...yes hopeful that the next generation will do a better job!

My students wrote one eco-friendly act they promise to do on giant hearts.
Here are some examples:
1. Turning off lights whenever there is plenty of sunlight.

2. Recycling by taking an extra minute or so to look at the picture and labels in class that indicate what is to be recycled and what goes in the garbage.

3. Reducing by using reusable water bottles and using eco-friendly bags when grocery shopping.

4. Not interrupting the life cycle of insects (e.g., honey bees, earth worms) and animals.

5. Planting trees, flowers, fruits, and/or vegetables in a small garden.

6. Using both sides of paper.

7. Conserving water by turning off the tap when brushing teeth, etc.

8. Picking up garbage.

If you have more ideas, please share with us on the blog.


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