Sunday 21 February 2016

Academic Update

The shortest month of the year is flying by and before we know it, it will soon be spring. We have truly been blessed with warm and bright days this winter.

Much like the weather changes, our class is beginning new units. 

In Language, we are improving our retell and comprehension skills through a unit on 'making connections'. When a student begins to relate to a story in terms of his/her own life, the story simply makes more sense and this creates the path for students to ''create meaning''. 
''When readers learn to connect:
-their minds become flooded with memories
-they are making sense of the text in terms of events and people in their own lives 
-they can make connections to pictures, plot, characters, and feelings from the story'' 
(The Power to Connect: p.35)

Continue to ask your child comprehension questions from the reading packages sent home every Thursday.

In Mathematics, our focus will be exploring time and money. Students will explore both concepts by making connections to real-life situations (e.g., grocery shopping, time left to finish class work). 
Students will use play money to pretend to purchase items in the classroom. They will also make a paper clock to use at school and at home.

Try some of these activities with your child:
- Search for different types of clocks: analog, digital, alarm, timers, watches, etc. 
- Discuss time throughout your family's day. You might ask what time you usually eat breakfast, dinner, or lunch.  
-Look at both sides of a coin. Ask your child to describe and guess parts of a coin (''I am thinking of a coin with a boat on it.'').
-Ask your child to sort coins into groups and identify equivalent values (e.g., 4 quarters= 1 dollar, 10 dimes = 1 dollar, etc.)
- Have your child review addition and subtraction by counting mixed sets of coins. 

In Science, our focus is learning about energy which is power used to provide light, sound, heat or to work machines. We learned about sources of energy such as sunlight (soleil), wind (éolienne), electrical (éléctrique), fire (chaleur), sound (son) and physical (personnelle). 

Learn about renewable energy with Sid the scientist. 
Sid le petit scientifique -Les énergies renouvelables
Visit the Brain Pop website for more videos on Science related themes:

Dictation- This week, we are reviewing important sentence starters used daily. As you practice at home, please help your child make meaningful sentences using the following verbs (action words).

Bonne continuation!

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