Wednesday 10 February 2016

Fun Filled February

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
Due to the upcoming P.A. day on Friday, the dictation and the reading package will be postponed until next week. The following are events/projects taking place in our classroom.

1. Primary Arts Day- The primary students (Grades 1-3) will participate in an exciting day filled with crafts, scavenger hunts, and much more on Thursday, February 11th. 

2. Sick Kids Fundraiser- Our class decided to send a card with encouraging messages to the Sick Kids hospital on Valentine's day. It soon became a school-wide initiative and I am humbled by the amount of effort and thought that went into making these cards. Many thanks to all who participated!

3. 'A Year in my Life' Season Project- We have completed and posted our projects on discoveries for each season. Some students debated that we skipped winter this year. Although, now I beg to differ.

4. 'Mesure-moi' Math Project- We are in the process of completing an interdisciplinary project wherein we trace the body, identify and label vital organs in our body (e.g., lungs, heart, brain) and measure the parts of the body using non-standard units (e.g., cubes, paper clips).

5. Montre et raconte - Show and Tell was a big hit this month as each student came to class overjoyed today to speak about his/her family heritage and culture.

6. L'histoire du peuple noir- We are celebrating Black History month by reading books about inclusion. We read the book entitled "Comme toi" by Genevieve Cote. We are learning about the names, symbols, colours, design, and history of some of the 53 flags and countries of Africa.

7. P.A. Day on Friday, February 12th & Family Day on Monday, February 15th. Hence, there will be no school and a wonderful long weekend for you to enjoy!

8. Starting Tuesday, February 16th, the following is an updated schedule for our class deadlines:
Monday's (Day 5) -Library book is due.
Thursday's (Day 3)- Reading Buddies & Book Bag due. 
Friday's - Dictation 

Phew...I think that was it!   

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