Wednesday 24 October 2018

C'est l'automne!

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
My favourite time of the year has arrived...autumn! In class we have been learning that in autumn, the leaves change colour and begin to fall. We learned that:

1. Leaves have a pigment called "chlorophyll" which allows the leaf to have that bright green colour. 
2. In the fall, with the changes to the amount of sunlight and in temperature, the leaves stop their food-making process. 
3. The chlorophyl breaks down, the green colour fades away.
4. Then BEAUTIFUL colours (seen in the artwork below) ranging from yellow to orange become visible and give the leaves part of their fall splendor!

Image result for pourquoi les feuilles changent de couleur image

We went for a walk around the school to observe the colours changing and to collect leaves for a craft. We used the leaves and pastels to trace the wonderful line patterns. We then completed a graphic organizer to show what "we know" and "what we learned".

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