Thursday 4 October 2018

Weekly Home Practise

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
Throughout the week, your child will come home with important learning items. Please make note of the deadlines and return date for the following items:

1. A weekly dictation (dictée) on Friday. Students will receive a list of 5 new words derived from a French sound booklet. We spend time in class doing shared reading activities with the sound booklets (e.g., recount graphic organizers, making inferences, writing new vocabulary on the word wall, and discussing grammar points).

2. A weekly book bag (sac à livre) on Day 5. In the book bag, you will find a parent newsletter, a vowel & consonant graphic organizer, and a leveled Alpha Jeunes book.
Please return all three items in the plastic bag each week so that your child can continue progressing in his/her reading with their Reading Buddies.

3. A weekly library book (livre de bibliothèque) on Day 3 (currently Monday's). 

4. A monthly show and tell (montre et raconte). 

It is recommended that your child spend at least 10-15 minutes reading and answering comprehension questions orally. Students in Grade 1 are not given homework, but rather practise work/reading to help build a routine, independent learning skills, and most importantly, to reinforce learning from school.

Thank you for your continued support in your child's learning!

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