Monday 28 January 2019

Notre communauté

The students in Room 111 were learning about mapping and directions in the Geometry unit. We decided to integrate our knowledge of Math to our Social Studies community project. We enjoyed looking at a map of our community through Google maps and Google Earth.

We discussed that a community is comprised of people (e.g., doctor, teacher, mother, father, etc.), transportation (e.g., bicycle, taxi, car, truck, etc.), and buildings (e.g., school, bank, grocery store, etc.). 

Each student chose a building or mode of transportation in the community to visit, learn about, construct a box model, and then present to the class in the form of a gallery walk. 

Bravo les amis!

Note: Some student pictures were lost due to storage capacity.
Nathan: L'école Clairlea 

Alexander: Le stad d'hockey

Raee: L'hôpital 

Ishaq: Un bateau 

Mikhail: Un cabinet dentaire

Maxwell: Une station de police

Rayan: Le parc

Milto: Un immeuble 

Saturday 19 January 2019

Si j'avais tout l'argent du monde.../If I had all the money in the world...

The students in Room 111, decided to write a special journal about what they would do if they had all of the money in the world and were able to control the world's resources. Throughout their presentations, I noticed just how empathetic, generous, and selfless my Grade 1 students are. They didn't think to buy anything for themselves, but rather use the resources to help others by:
-finding the cure to cancer
-building schools in underprivileged countries (as we watched documentaries of students going to school under bridges, walking miles, crossing dangerous places to learn, etc.)
-building more accessible hospitals
-enforcing a Snack Program in all schools
-picking up all garbage
-making all cars electric to avoid pollution and harming the environment 
-constructing easily accessible devises for the disabled (e.g., ramps and elevators in all buildings, including at Clairlea Public School)
-finding families for all orphans

And the list goes on...

I have begun recording and uploading some video responses. I will continue to update the blog once your child presents. Stay tuned for more videos!

I am so proud of you all!











French Points System

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),

I understand students have just returned from the winter break, however, please encourage and remind your child to continue speaking French in class. It is a requirement in the French Immersion program that the student speaks French with his/her peers and responds to the teacher in French throughout the entire instructional day.

With the start of a new year, comes a new points system. When students speak French, they will gain a sticker to be placed on their name tag at the back of their chair. A surprise will be given at the end of the week to the student who accumulated the most stickers. This is not to say that students require a reward to speak French; it should come naturally if they are in the program. However, a little motivation would help.

On the contrary, when a student repeatedly speaks English, even when reminded to speak in French, the student will also accumulate points. Once the student reaches 10 points, a note will be sent home for you to sign, acknowledging that your child needs to make more of an effort using French. 

Together, you and I can work as a TEAM to help your child attain a love and motivation to speak French with myself and his/her classmates, as well as learn it. I am already keeping track of some exceptional students who never forget to communicate in French, even outside of class. 

Please continue to visit websites on the tabs found on the right hand side under Parent Resources. 
This website has fairy tales, poems, math exercises, games, and more:
Video's of 'Le petit nicolas':
Image result for parle francais
Bonne continuation!

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Welcome back!

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),
Welcome back! I hope you had a good time relaxing with family and friends.

The following is an overview of the units we are working on in each subject area. It would be greatly appreciated if you could review the material discussed in class in order to make sure your child understands the content.

1. In Mathematics, we are wrapping up the unit on geometry and data management and transitioning into Number Sense and Numeration in order to learn practical strategies for addition and subtraction (i.e., cubes, base-ten blocks, number line, tally, drawing).
Please visit the following websites for extra practise at home:
Number Association -
Addition & Subtraction-
Math Manipulatives -

2. In Language, we are working on perfecting our writing convention skills and penmanship through a weekly journal. We are learning that each sentence begins with a capital, has spacing between words, and a period at the end. I have asked a few students to continue practising penmanship skills  at home so to avoid letter reversals. In addition, we are writing about routines and procedures (eg., how to make a salad, how to make hot chocolate).

3. In Social Studies, we are reviewing and expanding our understanding of different professions in our community. We acknowledge that a community is comprised of:
1. Inhabitants (Habitants) 
2. Buildings/Structures  (Bâtiments) 
3. Modes of transportation (Transports) 

Your child was asked to bring in recycled material and to decide which community building/structure or mode of transportation they will build and present in class. We will complete graphic organizers about the chosen community structure/transportation in class and build the diorama using recycled material.
Please send in any of the following recycled material as soon as possible to our classroom:
- bottle caps
- cereal boxes
- tissue boxes
- egg cartons
- card board
- magazines
- newspapers
- paper rolls
- empty plastic fruit cups
- leaves, pine cones, etc.

4. In Science, we are delving into the unit on the four seasons. Students will work in cooperative groups. Each student will be assigned one of the following tasks:
- naming outdoor activities for that season
- researching how long the days are in each season
- describing what clothes you could wear in the season
- draw an apple tree as it would look throughout the season
- describe how trees change during the year e.g., shedding leaves in autumn
- monitor and draw the thermometer to show the temperature in each month of that season

Video about the four seasons -Sid le petit scientifique:

5. In Dramawe are going over a series of activities tied to the character trait of the month, teamwork. We will continue discussing the importance of understanding, acknowledging, and talking about our feelings through activities such as, "Put downs and Put Ups", Listening Role Play, Point of View, etc.

As always, thank you for your continued support in your child's education in the French Immersion program. I would like to remind all parents to encourage their child to make more of an effort to speak French at all times. Please continue viewing websites and videos listed on the tab entitled "Parent Resources".

À la prochaine!

1. Friday January 18th, 2019 - P.A. Day - No school for students
2. Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 - Pizza Lunch
3. Tuesday, February 12th, 2019 - Report Cards go home
4. Thursday February 14th, 2019 - Primary Winter Activity Day -Little Red Theater
5. Friday February 15th, 2019 - P.A. Day
6. Monday, February 18th, 2019 - Family Day Holiday