Monday 28 January 2019

Notre communauté

The students in Room 111 were learning about mapping and directions in the Geometry unit. We decided to integrate our knowledge of Math to our Social Studies community project. We enjoyed looking at a map of our community through Google maps and Google Earth.

We discussed that a community is comprised of people (e.g., doctor, teacher, mother, father, etc.), transportation (e.g., bicycle, taxi, car, truck, etc.), and buildings (e.g., school, bank, grocery store, etc.). 

Each student chose a building or mode of transportation in the community to visit, learn about, construct a box model, and then present to the class in the form of a gallery walk. 

Bravo les amis!

Note: Some student pictures were lost due to storage capacity.
Nathan: L'école Clairlea 

Alexander: Le stad d'hockey

Raee: L'hôpital 

Ishaq: Un bateau 

Mikhail: Un cabinet dentaire

Maxwell: Une station de police

Rayan: Le parc

Milto: Un immeuble