Saturday 19 January 2019

French Points System

Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),

I understand students have just returned from the winter break, however, please encourage and remind your child to continue speaking French in class. It is a requirement in the French Immersion program that the student speaks French with his/her peers and responds to the teacher in French throughout the entire instructional day.

With the start of a new year, comes a new points system. When students speak French, they will gain a sticker to be placed on their name tag at the back of their chair. A surprise will be given at the end of the week to the student who accumulated the most stickers. This is not to say that students require a reward to speak French; it should come naturally if they are in the program. However, a little motivation would help.

On the contrary, when a student repeatedly speaks English, even when reminded to speak in French, the student will also accumulate points. Once the student reaches 10 points, a note will be sent home for you to sign, acknowledging that your child needs to make more of an effort using French. 

Together, you and I can work as a TEAM to help your child attain a love and motivation to speak French with myself and his/her classmates, as well as learn it. I am already keeping track of some exceptional students who never forget to communicate in French, even outside of class. 

Please continue to visit websites on the tabs found on the right hand side under Parent Resources. 
This website has fairy tales, poems, math exercises, games, and more:
Video's of 'Le petit nicolas':
Image result for parle francais
Bonne continuation!

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