Sunday 24 May 2015

Academic Update

Dear parents,
The school year is flying by. Take a look at what we are completing in each subject area.

1. In Mathematics, we are identifying, describing, and building 2 and 3 dimensional shapes through centre activities. Our culminating activity will consist of building a 2-D and 3-D robot describing the shapes used and three types of energy we discussed in Science. Another interdisciplinary task the students can enjoy.

1st Centre: 2-D shapes with geo-boards and elastic bands

2nd Centre: 3-D shapes with toothpicks and play dough

3rd Centre: 3-D shapes with straws and modelling clay

4th Centre: 3-D shapes with connecting straws

We completed a geometry graphic organizer by identifying shape attributes, corners, sides, and surfaces/faces.

2. In Language, we are continuing the weekly 'Mon Partage de Livre' reading programme. Students are asked to bring their leveled books back every Friday, as we have centres and guided reading assessments on that day. For the culminating task in the narrative writing unit, students wrote a detailed fiction story about a honeybee. The stories took a while to produce because students went through an extensive writing process (e.g., printing exercises, rough copy, proofreading, wordwall & dictionary, peer/teacher feedback, good copy). The final copy of the story was video taped. Please view the following blog for presentations. Bravo les amis!

The dictation words for the week of May 25th - 29th :

3. In Science,  we are wrapping up our unit on Energy. We learned about objects that use electrical energy in the classroom and around our homes, the sun is the primary source of energy for many living and non-living things, and that sunlight and wind are strong sources of energy. We had many outdoor learning experiences, thanks to the beautiful weather we have been blessed with.

4. In Social Studies, we will be learning about family dynamics, responsibilities, and roles. Students will be asked to gather family pictures to discuss a timeline for a show and tell presentation in June. They will also explore how their families are similar and different. This project will be completed in class, but it wouldn't hurt to start preparing.  

5. Please return the signed and completed trip form and money no later than Friday, May 29th.

Please continue to encourage your child to speak, listen to, and read French books. I am pleased with many students who are enjoying the French programme.

Until next time!

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