Wednesday 6 May 2015

Fun in the Sun Planting!

What beautiful weather these days. We have truly been blessed with loads of sunshine! So, my class and I planted Marigold flowers and Cone flowers in the front school garden. Yellow and orange flowers were specifically chosen because bees are attracted to bright yellowish colours, anticipating nectar to use to make honey. Cone flowers, also known as Echinacea flowers are hardy plants that attract butterflies, honey bees, and humming birds. We hope to see beautiful insects and birds visiting our school!

We enjoyed planting in the sun. The easy part is done, the next step is maintaining the flower garden.

We want to help the honey bees survive. So we made cards for our parents explaining how to plant flowers and which flowers are best suited to attract the honey bees. Please ask your child to explain the process using the spelling words for this week (une plante, une fleur, une tige, une feuille, une racine).

Lovely rocks decorated as honey bees by the students in Mme. Paré's class.

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