Sunday 3 May 2015

Academic Update

Dear parents/guardians,
There are only two months left until the summer break. It seems that time is flying, however, we still have quite a bit to cover. Take a look at what we have accomplished.

In Language, we are learning about how to write a narrative. We played a game matching the correct parts of a sentence with the labels, who, what, where, and when. We were able to correctly identify the parts of a sentence (e.g., verb, noun, time, location) and discover how fun it is to write a detailed sentence.

'A long time ago, a big dog slept on the moon.' 

'This morning, my teacher drove her car to the beach.'

'Last night, a scary lion found a ring in my dreams.'

The graphic organizer consisting of the 4 W's (When, Who, What, Where) helped students create humorous sentences.

The students were introduced to a Venn diagram in order to discover the similarities and differences between a honeybee and a wasp. 

For our weekly shared reading, we learned about the cone flower (Echinacea). We discovered that honey bees, butterflies, and the humming bird enjoy the nectar of the cone flower. It is a hardy plant; as the roots survive the long winters. The cone flower is a medicinal plant which helps fight colds. We will be planting the cone flower some time this week in the school garden. 

We used our Reading Comprehension graphic organizer to help us with strategies before, during, and after reading. Ask your child to discuss the strategies they learned with you. 

As a culminating task, we watched the Bee Movie to develop our oral communication skills in French and get inspired to write a short narrative story. Thanks to Lisa for letting us borrow the movie. 

As homework, the students were asked to brainstorm ideas about the name of their character, where the story will take place, when it would take place, and one event that would happen. 
Link to online French dictionary:

We refreshed our word wall with removable words by posting our new vocabulary for writing a narrative involving a honey bee. 

In Mathematics, we have completed the unit on equal expressions. We learned about balanced and imbalanced equations through a revision on addition and subtraction.  
The students were assigned a number and were asked to share as many equations (through addition, and/or subtraction) equal to the given sum/difference. 

As you know from last weeks dictation, we have been learning about 2-dimensional shapes. Students will classify objects by their shape and attributes such as number of sides and corners. Later, they will build their own shapes using toothpicks, modelling clay, and geoboards. Keep an eye out for our next adventures. 

In Art class, we learned about collaboration through a team task of creating a honey bee hive. We used newspaper, glue, tissue paper, and balloons. The students assigned roles and responsibilities within their groups and worked well together. I was proud of their listening, sharing, and concentration skills. 

Our finished products...honey bee hives. We decorated the school with Clairlea hives. 

A honey bee named Alisha decided to spend some time with our class telling us stories and playing games with us Friday afternoon. 

Until next time! A la prochaine!

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