Friday, 10 October 2014

Les suites partout!

In Mathematics, we have been creating, extending, and describing number, letter, shape, syllable, word, and line patterns. "Chapeau" to my students for doing an amazing job with this unit. We co-created the success criteria and decided they had to create and extend patterns with two different attributes (e.g., size, colour, shape, etc.), to describe the pattern, and to count the number of sets.
Et voila!


You can try some of these activities at home with your child:

1) Play a sorting game. Sort some objects (e.g. toys, socks, kitchen objects) into 2 or 3 groups (e.g. adults' socks / childrens' socks). Ask your child to guess what rule you used to sort the objects.

2) Collect a number of hard objects and 1 or 2 soft objects to create a group. Tell your child that some things don't belong in the group. Challenge him or her to explain which objects don't belong.

3) Play a game of copycat. Tap or snap or clap a repeating pattern and ask your child to copy it. Ask your child to begin saying or tapping or singing a pattern for you to copy.

4) Have a scavenger hunt for patterns in your home, the mall or grocery store. You might find patterns on tissue boxes, clothing, blankets, wrapping paper, or books. Ask your child to identify them.

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