Saturday 25 October 2014

Week at a Glance in Room 111

Monday, October 27th - Practice singing "La croisade des enfants".
Tuesday, October 28th- Clairlea spirit wear orders are due!
Wednesday, October 29th - Pizza lunch!
Thursday, October 30th- Homework package is due & Halloween Howl at Clairlea (5:30 - 8:30 pm)
Friday, October 31st - Panther Assembly, Costume Chaos Day, and class party in the afternoon.

This Friday is Clairlea "Costume Chaos Day"! The students and I have decided that it would be grand to have a party in the afternoon to celebrate our time together, our ups and downs, and to send best wishes for a wonderful Fall season. I will bring some crafts and treats for everyone and would be delighted if families wanted to send in some additional food items.
However, due to some student dietary restrictions, please do not send in foods containing the following ingredients:
-          nuts of any kind
-          gelatin   
Un grand merci!

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