Sunday 19 October 2014


The following are reminders about upcoming deadlines/special events taking place in October:

1. Vision and hearing clinics are available in our school. If you would like to have your child's vision and/or hearing checked, please send in the form by Wednesday, October 22nd. 

2. The second language and math homework package was sent home Friday. The package is due Thursday, October 23rd.

3. Pizza lunch orders are due Friday, October 24th.

4. Please send in Pizza Lunch orders for the "Halloween Howl" as soon as possible.

5. Halloween Howl will take place on Thursday, October 30th from 5:30 to 8:30 pm. See you there!

6. Spirit day and "Costume Chaos Day" will take place on Friday, October 31st. 

Lastly, thank you for your continued support in your child's education. I have heard from my students that many parents are checking the blog to view the interactive French websites.
Bravo et bonne continuation!

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