Monday 26 January 2015

Interdisciplinary Learning


Dear parents/guardians,
The students in Room 111 have just completed a culminating task in the Measurement unit. The students worked in groups - since this month's character trait is teamwork. The project consisted of tracing the body of one student in each group, using non-standard units to measure parts of the body, making a footprint using paint, and measuring the length of the footprint in centimeters.

The interdisciplinary approach to learning helped students learn about topics in Science (the human body), Math (measurement), Literacy (writing), Social Studies (our ecological footprint), and teamwork skills (assigning roles, sharing ideas, taking turns, managing time).
The students were excited- they were driven by a captivation that in turn led to an increase in literacy levels, self-motivation, and cooperative learning. Bravo les amis!

Sunday 25 January 2015

Week at a glance

Monday, January 26th - Complete measurement project on the body. The "Reading for Success" group for Grade 1 students will take place at lunch in Room 111.   
Tuesday, January 27th - Begin science project on the four seasons titled "A year in my life". 
Wednesday, January 28th- Pizza lunch!
Thursday, January 29th - Reading package due. 
Friday, January 30th- Panther Assembly & Pirate Day!

The words listed below are the dictation for Friday, January 30th. These words are also the math vocabulary we are learning in the Measurement unit.

  1.   mesurer
  2.   hauteur
  3.   longueur
  4.   grandeur
  5.   centimètre 

    Bonne continuation!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Winter Carnival

Dear parents/guardians,
A pink form was sent home regarding a Winter Carnival at school for primary students on February 12th. Please fill out the form if you are available to volunteer during the event.

Pizza forms are due January 22nd. 

There is a P.A. day on Friday, January 23rd. Hence, there is no school for students. 

The following list is the dictation for Thursday, January 22nd:
1. un marqueur
2. un trombone
3. un crayon
4. un cube
5. un batonnet
Bonne continuation!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Superb start to 2015!

Dear parents/guardians,
The students and I got off to a productive and fresh start to 2015. Here are snap shots of our work in each subject area.

We began the New Year by reflecting on what we listen to, we would like, we think of, and what we need. The students and I completed a graphic organizer and discussed our thoughts.

In Mathematics, we began the Data Management unit (Traitement des donnees). We are comparing data by using surveys and representing data on bar graphs and pictographs.


In Language, we are learning about rhyming words and types of poems (e.g., acrostic poems). We are learning about adjectives (words that describe a person, place, or thing) and describing our feelings as a result of our word choice.

In Social Studies, we are completing our culminating task for the unit on community. We discussed that a community consists of people, buildings/structures, and modes of transportation.
For the culminating task, students were given the choice to build either a building or a mode of transportation using recycled material. They then completed a graphic organizer to explain what was built and how it benefits the community. The final step is a presentation in the form of a gallery walk.


In Science, we are beginning the unit on Daily and Seasonal Changes. We are tying this unit into our Visual Arts period, as we are describing, analyzing, and recreating scenery using various materials for added texture.

The new reading program,"Mon partage de livre", has commenced. Students are reminded to return the package and the book every Thursday and to be prepared to read the book to the class and answer follow up questions.

As always, thank you for your continued support in your child's education. Please check the Parent Resources tab located on the right hand side of the blog for a list of French websites.

Sunday 11 January 2015

New Reading Package

Dear parents/guardians,
The students have been introduced to a new reading program in our class titled "Mon partage de livre". Students will be assigned a weekly leveled book to which they must analyse, while using the prompt questions in the package sent home. The book will be chosen according to their reading level. It is important that students have an opportunity to read with someone every night.

Homework will be explained in class every Friday. Students may write notes on a sticky to help guide their comprehension at home. During the following week, students will present their book, read it to their classmates, and answer three follow-up questions.

Students may come to me for help if they are at all unclear or confused about the presentation component, or have trouble with reading comprehension.

Please make sure to return the package and the leveled book every THURSDAY.

In addition to the reading, students will continue studying a short list of words which are part of a dictation that takes place every Friday. Many students have been doing well with the dictation and they are using the words in spontaneous speech.

The following are dictation words for this week (January 16th, 2015):
1. vert
2. violet
3. rouge
4. bleu
5. jaune

If your child is having difficulty finding a strategy to study for the dictation, here are some ideas:

1. Practice writing the words on a white board.

2. Use Scrabble letter tiles to put the words together and spell them aloud. Bananagram letters or alphabits work great too!

3. Try "tactile sensory" strategies by spelling the words with letters made out of Play dough.

4. Create a word search puzzle with the dictation words hidden in it. Bring it to school to share with the class.

Bonne continuation!

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Visitors in our Class

Les poissons rouges

The students and I co-created a list of criteria for choosing the student responsible for feeding the fish on a daily basis. Et voila!

The student must attempt to:
1. Listen to instructions
2. Raise his/her hand before speaking
3. Finish his/her class work
4. Be polite

Knowing the history of goldfish, we are keeping track of the number of days they will survive in our classroom and what factors may affect their longevity.

If you have any ideas, please share your expertise on the blog.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Bonne année - 2015!


Dear parents/guardians,

Hopefully the winter break was relaxing and a good opportunity for some great family fun!

Updates for 2015:

1. Language Points- With the start of a new year comes a new points system for oral communication in the classroom. The expectation for Grade 1 French Immersion is that students speak only French in the classroom (with some exceptions when we learn new vocabulary). When students speak French, they will accumulate ten points. At ten points, students will choose a surprise from the treasure box.

2. Dictee- We will be analysing rhyming words/sounds in the Poetry unit. This week, we will practice the sound /a/. Here are the new dictation words for January 9th.
1.  un chat
2. un lapin
3. un cheval
4. une girafe
5. un enfant

I look forward to seeing everyone in good health and high spirits!
A demain.