Monday 26 January 2015

Interdisciplinary Learning


Dear parents/guardians,
The students in Room 111 have just completed a culminating task in the Measurement unit. The students worked in groups - since this month's character trait is teamwork. The project consisted of tracing the body of one student in each group, using non-standard units to measure parts of the body, making a footprint using paint, and measuring the length of the footprint in centimeters.

The interdisciplinary approach to learning helped students learn about topics in Science (the human body), Math (measurement), Literacy (writing), Social Studies (our ecological footprint), and teamwork skills (assigning roles, sharing ideas, taking turns, managing time).
The students were excited- they were driven by a captivation that in turn led to an increase in literacy levels, self-motivation, and cooperative learning. Bravo les amis!

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