Sunday 4 January 2015

Bonne année - 2015!


Dear parents/guardians,

Hopefully the winter break was relaxing and a good opportunity for some great family fun!

Updates for 2015:

1. Language Points- With the start of a new year comes a new points system for oral communication in the classroom. The expectation for Grade 1 French Immersion is that students speak only French in the classroom (with some exceptions when we learn new vocabulary). When students speak French, they will accumulate ten points. At ten points, students will choose a surprise from the treasure box.

2. Dictee- We will be analysing rhyming words/sounds in the Poetry unit. This week, we will practice the sound /a/. Here are the new dictation words for January 9th.
1.  un chat
2. un lapin
3. un cheval
4. une girafe
5. un enfant

I look forward to seeing everyone in good health and high spirits!
A demain.

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