Sunday 11 January 2015

New Reading Package

Dear parents/guardians,
The students have been introduced to a new reading program in our class titled "Mon partage de livre". Students will be assigned a weekly leveled book to which they must analyse, while using the prompt questions in the package sent home. The book will be chosen according to their reading level. It is important that students have an opportunity to read with someone every night.

Homework will be explained in class every Friday. Students may write notes on a sticky to help guide their comprehension at home. During the following week, students will present their book, read it to their classmates, and answer three follow-up questions.

Students may come to me for help if they are at all unclear or confused about the presentation component, or have trouble with reading comprehension.

Please make sure to return the package and the leveled book every THURSDAY.

In addition to the reading, students will continue studying a short list of words which are part of a dictation that takes place every Friday. Many students have been doing well with the dictation and they are using the words in spontaneous speech.

The following are dictation words for this week (January 16th, 2015):
1. vert
2. violet
3. rouge
4. bleu
5. jaune

If your child is having difficulty finding a strategy to study for the dictation, here are some ideas:

1. Practice writing the words on a white board.

2. Use Scrabble letter tiles to put the words together and spell them aloud. Bananagram letters or alphabits work great too!

3. Try "tactile sensory" strategies by spelling the words with letters made out of Play dough.

4. Create a word search puzzle with the dictation words hidden in it. Bring it to school to share with the class.

Bonne continuation!

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